Good PPR shower today. A lot of people got their emails, rest will get in due course (

including mine).
Back to analysis part -
What I observed that people (majority of) who moved to IP2 on between 15-16 Oct and 25-26 Oct are yet to get their PPRs.
Though numbers are better for people from 15-16 IP2 move date. Also its obvious that there is no pattern in getting the PPRs now (earlier there was some, let's say ).
For the batch supporters in the forum - I think the bug (in .btch ) which we talked about a couple of weeks ago, now seems to be fixed
All this time in between, they were working on some work around/Manual. It gives me a lil hope for more frequent showers which may end the dry spell we have seen in past two weeks. All the best to All of us. (Posting in Aug AOR too )