Hello friends! Had my oath on Friday and the whole experience was awesome.
Everybody was so friendly and welcoming.
Arrived on time and then we were all lined up to go inside the hall. No food items allowed in the ceremony hall.
Upon entering, they took our PR cards, invitation letter and a signed disclosure letter to a clerk on the entrance. She checked everything and told everyone their seat numbers. Guests are seated on the sides and new-to-be-citizens in the middle.
Once all seated, clerk opened the ceremony with his remarks and gave us brief introduction of ceremony and a brief video was shown on projector about Canada.
After that he called in the Judge and member of local Police department.
Judge was very nice. She gave a brief yet inspiring speech about the significance of becoming citizen of best country in the world! Gives you goosebumps

Then we said our oath after the Judge in English and French (a handout was given to everybody that has the wording in it). Then they called each and every one of us to collect the certificate from the Judge. She was extremely friendly and patient, cracking light jokes and talked to each children at length in the most friendly way higlighting the importance of the certificate. Guests were allowed to take photos or make videos of their family members receiving the certificate from the Judge.
After receiving the certificate, each one of us signed a paprer that officialy made us Canadian citizen!

Once everyone had received the cetificate, there were closing remarks from the Judge and National Anthem - which we all sang and felt Proud!
That concluded the ceremony and after that Judge allowed everybody if they wanted, they could have picture with their family and Judge. Which was very kind of her, considering she is person of such prestine. Yet was humble, polite and extremely kind. She was indeed the perfect portrayel of what it means to be a Canadian and a role model
I had picture with my baby and wife - first time as a proud Canadian citizen!

Thank you Canada for making this dream come true.
Waiting for rest of my friends at the finish line - enjoy every minute of the Journey. As once you reach your destination, every moment spent waiting will all be truly worth it!