I remember too

I am in Toronto for 6 months. I work as delivery truck driver. What I can say in a nutshell: If you LOVE to live here, if you understand what you are doing ... then move on and don't get tired and do not STOP. You need a lot of ground work to be able to preserve and progress, otherwise you will be an average person and a survival. Life is not difficult here but needs a lot of efforts. You will face a lot of obstacles and obscures. Above all you will meet unbelievably nice kind people and then some people on the other side of spectrum.
What is sure: I have never seen any place like Dubai in whole my life (I have visited Europe and UK and East Asia). Dubai is so unique and once you are settled down you can grow fast and it so dream-type place. Saying all these I do not like to come back to Dubai!
What is for sure, if you are smart enough and hard worker you will make your way: TRUE IMMIGRANT STORY they call it here.
This is the land I can call homeland. This is the place I can consider to be buried once I am died. After some time inshalla, by His Grace, this is the nation I may consider donate my body organs in case I die early lol lol lol
Conclusion: Things are happening for better. His Greatest has something written for us for a reason. I pray for us to understand, bear, be patient His Great Intentions. And I pray and beg to His Great Merciful Hands to give us all the health and then happiness (nothing about wealth), in order to get our peace here and in any other world.