Hi, this is an abstract of the mail
Please send the required documents by responding to this email message. Do not send your documents by mail.
You must provide all documents listed below which apply to your situation.
Please provide
photocopies of your documents (unless originals are requested). The documents will be placed on your file and will not be returned to you. You may be asked to present your original documents at a later date, or other documents may be requested later.
Note: Any documents that are not in English or French
must be accompanied by:
- The English or French translation; and
- An affidavit from the person who completed the translation.
An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a commissioner authorized to administer oaths in the country in which the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit. Translations by family members are not acceptable.
The documents you provide must cover the period from 2016-06-21 to 2019/06/27 unless otherwise specified below.
☒ Any passports and/or travel documents, valid or expired, that were valid between 2016-06-21 and 2019-06-27 . You must provide a
colour photocopy of each page.
Note: All passport stamps and entries, including visas and permits, must be translated in English or French. This includes any entries that fall outside of the period listed above.
☒ Rental agreements, leases or mortgage documents.
☒ Records of employment or pay stubs for all jobs held during the above time period.
☒ Official education records for all educational institutions you attended during the period stated above.
Official education records are:
- Report cards; or
- Transcripts; or
- Attendance records.
The records must cover each calendar year, if applicable. It is sufficient to submit one official education document per calendar year of schooling during the relevant period.
☒ Official education records for your minor children for all educational institutions they attended during the period stated above.
Provide the records for all children in Canada or abroad who were under the age of 18 at the time you submitted your application, even if you did not apply for Canadian citizenship on their behalf. You must also provide documents for any children who are already Canadian citizens, if applicable.
Note: Student identification cards and letters from institutions, teachers, principals are not accepted as official education records. For example, an official transcript from an educational institution would satisfy this requirement. A letter from an institution is only acceptable in the following circumstances:
- Child has recently enrolled in school and a report card has not yet been issued
- Child is being homeschooled.
If any of your children under the age of 18 were home schooled, you must submit photocopies of written proof of registration as determined by the respective Ministry of Education in the province or territory where you live.
☒ Provincial/Territorial personal health claim summary for each province/territory you have resided in during the period 2016-06-21 to 2019-06-27.
For information on how to obtain these records, please visit
www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/delivery-prestation/ptrole/index-eng.php and click on your province or territory of residence for complete details and contact information.
☒ Other: Consent for use of Microsoft Teams to assess a Citizenship Application form
[Include i-94 report if there is travel to USA]