I don't know anymore what is good sign and what is not. So long i was preparing myself for rejection and also had thoughts of withdrawing my application. I do understand that its a wait game, but when you have certain decisions pending (like my job resignation) while waiting for this, it all becomes more desperate. I know it's not right but we all have worked tremendously hard for getting this opportunity . Frankly speaking. I have friends who are wanting to apply but don't believe in this process because of my situation, yet I have kept my hope alive for the past 1 year. Amidst all this when I received my re-meds I seriously had second thoughts that even after all this wait though I have movement what confirms that the wait game is over. Nothing.
I frankly was not interested in providing my remedicals because I had a gut feeling that I would be back to square one and that's exactly how I feel.
I don't know why I am saying all this but got it out!
Sorry for the bore! and thanks for reading!