@CaptainJG I've checked your notes and I see that the review required is for your funds. As weird as it sounds, I think what is making the case analyst tag your funds for review is because you have too much money.
I know it's weird, but that's the only reason I can give for asking for a review when he mentioned that you have 10 times the money a single applicant requires.
So here's what I suggest you do.
Raise a CSE, Upload a LOE, explaining that you got your case notes and you're seeing that they require a review of your funds so you're sending them additional documents to clear up any confusion. Include updated bank statements for 12 months (before and after AOR), pay slips and anything else that can explain why you have the money that you have in your bank account.
Everything will be cleared up in no time.
Don't fret. I guess he/she may be a lil jealous, I know I am.