You are not required to bring application and physical presence sheet but you can - I personally will bring them so that I can answer questions.I have applied for citizenship and received the exam date for my self, spouse.My son is under 14, is it required to bring minor's documents for verification during the test day? What documents are required?
Does we required to take below documents ?
1. Application, physical presence sheets:
2. Passport, COPR, PR card, language, identity docs etc.: travel documents what does it mean?
You need to bring everything they list in the test invite + test invite + passports (originals of every passport you submitted with application + new ones, if any) + Certificate of permanent residence + Permanent residence card + language proof + 2 IDs
Some people have travel documents instead of passport (e.g. refugees who cannot get passport from their country).
Not sure about minors - I will let other fellows to comment. I think my test invite mentions something about documents for minors - check your test invite again.