Optimist22222 said:
Wow brother
That is it. Time for celebration has almost come.

Dear, why LVO ask for copy of Passport in ppr1. Didn't you submit copy of passport while submitting application? Just an argument.
And this will answer your query.
"Below is the e-mail of PPR step-1 for Pakistani applicants.
And i would also like to request Pakistani applicants to register yourself in IOM. its like CIIP from the context i get. E-mail is in bold.
High Commission of Canada
Immigration and Medical Services Division
Macdonald House
38 Grosvenor Street
London W1K 4AA
United Kingdom
Haut-commissariat du Canada
Direction de l'immigration et des services médicaux
Maison Macdonald
38, rue Grosvenor
Londres W1K 4AA
File: Date:
Dear Applicant,
Your application has reached the final stage of processing. Since Pakistani law does not permit the mailing of Pakistani passports from Pakistan to other countries, we will not ask you to submit your passport to our office in London. The issuance of your permanent resident visa will be a two step process.
Step 1: Follow the instructions in this letter to submit the requested items to our office in London. Once we have reviewed them, we will send you instructions for the second step within 6 weeks.
Step 2: Do not submit your passport to our Islamabad office until you receive instructions to do so. The Islamabad office cannot issue your visa before we instruct them to do so. (If you submit your passport early, it will be returned to you without a visa.) The Islamabad office can only mail passports to addresses in Pakistan. If you will want your passports returned to an address outside of Pakistan, then this letter does not apply to you. Inform us immediately so that we can send you different instructions.
Step 1: Submit the documents listed below to our office in London. (These instructions do not apply to accompanying family members who are entitled to Canadian citizenship, because they will have to travel on their Canadian passports.)
1. Clear photocopies of your passport and the passports of each accompanying family member. The passports must meet the Passport Specifications on page 2 of this letter because these are the passports you will use to travel to Canada.
2. The Updated Information Chart on page 3 fully completed for you and each accompanying family member.
Submit these three items within 45 days of the date of this letter (or the date of the email if you received this by email). All items for you and your accompanying family members must be submitted together in one package.
Mail or courier your package to:
PHEP Processing
Immigration Division
Canadian High Commission
38 Grosvenor Street
London, W1K 4AA
United Kingdom
High Commission of Canada
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
“As an immigrant to Canada, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) invites you to register, through the IOM Islamabad Office using the email
coapk@iom.int, for a free pre-departure orientation session offered in one of these locations: Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi.
Cultural Orientation Abroad (COA), a world-wide orientation project funded through Citizenship and Immigration Canada, is designed to teach immigrants about Canada before they leave their home country, so that when they arrive in Canada they are well prepared to meet the challenges they must face.”
What you should know
You should not take any irrevocable action such as selling your property, quitting your job, or buying plane tickets until you have received your permanent resident visa(s).
Your visa will be issued in Step 2 to match the information in your passport photocopy submitted in Step 1. This will be the name that appears on all of your documents after you become a permanent resident of Canada (e.g. driver's license, social insurance card, health card).
If your family composition has changed (e.g. by marriage, divorce, birth, death), you must tell us now. You must also tell us if it changes before the date of your intended departure. Information in our systems must be up to date and considered before anyone can be granted permanent resident status on arrival.
Your visas will expire one year after the date of your medical examinations. However, if your passport or any of your family members' passports are due to expire before this date, all visas will expire on the date that the first passport expires. You must enter Canada on or before the expiry date on your visas.
The validity of a permanent resident visa cannot be extended, nor can a replacement visa be issued with a new expiry date. If you do not use your visa(s) before the expiry date, yet still wish to immigrate to Canada, you will have to begin the application process again, and pay new fees. The new application would be assessed according to the immigration legislation in force at the time of submission.
Passport Specifications
Your application will be delayed if any of the passports do not meet the following specifications. This delay will shorten the amount of time that you will have to travel to Canada to become a permanent resident.
1. Submit only copies of the passport pages showing the passport number, date of issue and expiry, your photo, name, date and place of birth, as well as any amendments to this information.
2. The photocopies must be from the passports you will use to travel to Canada. If you submit a different passport in Step 2 than the photocopy submitted in Step 1, then all passports will be returned and you will have to start again from Step 1.
3. Diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports are not valid for immigration to Canada.
4. All names and dates of birth must be printed in each passport in English or French.
5. The given name (first name) of the passport-holder must be clearly printed on the Given Name line of the biodata page of each passport. The surname (last name) of the passport-holder must be clearly printed on the Surname line of the biodata page of each passport. They should match your Updated Information Chart.
6. Your spouse must have their own passport. Your accompanying children should also each have their own passports.
7. Each passport must have at least two empty pages.
8. For your visas to have maximum validity, all passports should be valid for at least 12 months from the date of your medical examinations.
9. All passports must be intact and not worn, torn or otherwise damaged; the laminate on the biodata page must be securely attached. Each page must be securely affixed to the passport; there cannot be any loose pages. Ordinary passports are the only type of passport into which a permanent resident visa may be inserted. Diplomatic, official, special or other similar types of passports are NOT acceptable.
Updated Information Chart
Write your file number here: B______________
(as in passport) First Name
(as in passport) Passport Number Passport Expiry (dd/mm/yyyy) Height (cm) Eye Colour Code (see chart below)
Principal Applicant
Spouse or Partner
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Child 4
Child 5
Child 6
Continue on a separate sheet if you have more than six children.
Eye Colour Code
Black 1
Blue 2
Brown 3
Green 4
Hazel 5
Grey 6
Other 7