it is quite saddening that my application almost got rejected, I received a letter from CEM and the Visa Officer has considered my application under the inadmissible class..
a. The VO note that I declared working hours of 24-40 hrs per week at _____ Colleges however specific information regard ing my working hours has not been provided.
b. The Visa officer has concerns that I misrepresented (manipulated) my duties and experience in order to be found eligible under the MI3. In addition, the VO is not satisfied that I have at least 1 yr of continuous full time employment experience, or the equivalent in continuous part-time employment as a nurse. this leads the VO to conclude that I may come within inadmissible class of persons described in Immigration act. Before the VO make a decision on wether you are inadmissible, the officer is giving me opportunity to send additional docs to addressed their concerns. I am given 30 days to submit documentary evidence to support my declared work experience like:
1. SSS records : complete contribution in all employments, employment history, member static information.. My concern is my employment history, ndi q dineclare ung employment q sa makati med as probationary, ng AWOL kc aq after 3 mos q dun.. ndi aq mkakakuha ng contract at employment certi kaya di q na declare..
if u get sss, do u think it will match with all your statements in your personal history? if it does, then i think this should lessen your worry, it is easy to get a copy of your sss, you can even download it from your pc, but i believe a copy from sss office itself would be more reassuring for the cem. as soon as sss office opens on tuesday? be the very first person on their doorstep. i think u should be able to accomplish getting 2 if not 3 evidences w/in the day
2. faculty loading sheets from ____ College, where i worked as Clinical Instructor from Aug 2006-Mar 2011.. 3. Any other documents to support the number of hours worked per week at _____ colleges.
you can get both these at the same institution where u taught, copy of daily time records would help, although i think this would entail a lot of copies w/c means a lot of fee on notary too, but in the end it will be all worth it if this would help support your claim...
4. Any other docs to support your employment as a nurse..
dtr, pay slips, vouchers if any, work contract, certificate of employment, insurance, id, sss, if you have worked for r government as a nurse, then gsis and pag ibig contributions
i need your insights guys! i have given 30 days to comply from the date of the letter, Dec 15 2011, i received it Dec 28 and its holiday season..

Institutions are closed!
try accomplishing all these to your very best this coming week, goodluck