it is quite saddening that my application almost got rejected, I received a letter from CEM and the Visa Officer has considered my application under the inadmissible class..
a. The VO note that I declared working hours of 24-40 hrs per week at _____ Colleges however specific information regard ing my working hours has not been provided.
b. The Visa officer has concerns that I misrepresented (manipulated) my duties and experience in order to be found eligible under the MI3. In addition, the VO is not satisfied that I have at least 1 yr of continuous full time employment experience, or the equivalent in continuous part-time employment as a nurse. this leads the VO to conclude that I may come within inadmissible class of persons described in Immigration act. Before the VO make a decision on wether you are inadmissible, the officer is giving me opportunity to send additional docs to addressed their concerns. I am given 30 days to submit documentary evidence to support my declared work experience like:
1. SSS records : complete contribution in all employments, employment history, member static information.. My concern is my employment history, ndi q dineclare ung employment q sa makati med as probationary, ng AWOL kc aq after 3 mos q dun.. ndi aq mkakakuha ng contract at employment certi kaya di q na declare..
2. faculty loading sheets from ____ College, where i worked as Clinical Instructor from Aug 2006-Mar 2011..
3. Any other documents to support the number of hours worked per week at _____ colleges.
4. Any other docs to support your employment as a nurse..
i need your insights guys! i have given 30 days to comply from the date of the letter, Dec 15 2011, i received it Dec 28 and its holiday season..

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