Dear Friends,
After a long waiting time, Today I have recieved my PER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just about one hour ago I have checked my email and the PER was in my inbox

20 December 2011, 6.45 PM( Romanian Time)
I've tried to copy/paste the whole content of the e-mail from CIO, but I cannot post it!!!?
If enybody can tell me how to post it by Copy/ Paste, I will be more then happy to share
the letter with all of you guys!!
Anyhow, I'am a 1122 applicant which application was received on 03 August, but had the
employement arranged and approved by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
It's been 5 months now until they checked and confirmed my employment offer .
I wanted to thank all the forum members for the valued information posted and I pray GOD to
be on our side for the long jurney ahead of us !!!!!!!!!!!!