No worries, Westpoint. We are all here to help each other.
indeed ;D
I myself have opted out of an immigration consultant agreement. I found out that these consultants do not know much (I am being polite here. What I really wanted to say was that those I met were really stupid.
I second this
, but I am not saying all of them are :
), and ultimately put me in a much bigger risk of getting rejected. We both know now that the best way to go about this whole FSW process is for applicants to spend the time understanding the processes and requirements themselves.
CIC guidelines are clear, easy to follow and all the links and helpful sites are there, we just really have to spend time reading, and reading, and reading em w/ comprehension of course ;D
I think one of the common mistakes committed as far as Certificates of Employment (CoE) are concerned is that applicants tend to leave the JD (job description) writing at the hands of their HR reps. Not good. Employers do not know what CIC is looking for specifically. HR reps, in particular, think in terms of "templates" which may not necessarily serve our purpose. After having read the HRSDC NOC descriptions, applicants should write their JDs themselves and have these attested to by their HR reps in the CoE.
Another mistake I noticed is that applicants who got NERs tend to succumb to red herring in dealing with rejection. They point to many different explanations when the one that is relevant is already right there clearly stated in their NER. Using Jade's case as an example, CIC did not say that her
job titles did not match those in the HRSDC indicative list. What they said was that she does not have experience in the NOC she was applying for. I suggest for her not to put false emphasis on her job titles, and instead look back at her JDs and make a case to CIC if in fact she has the requisite experience in her chosen NOC. The JDs will speak of her experience more than her job titles, just as they did with mine. (I had 6 titles in my CoEs and none matched those in the HRSDC list.)