Any body please give information on how to fill up form and preparing for cover letters and document sequencing.
With Regards,
firestyle_jutsu said:
yeah... same boat with TAPTATANU..
filling up the form is harder and confusing than I thought..!
please read the website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)
Applying as a Skilled Worker
Applicants will find these three steps in the given link above ;D
Complete these three steps to apply for immigration as a skilled worker:
1. Read the general information
Instruction Guide [IMM EG7000]
> also in PDF format PDF, 836 KB
2. Fill out the forms to be used by all applicants
Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM 0008] PDF, 237 KB
Schedule 1: Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] PDF, 286 KB
Schedule 3: Economic Classes [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 3] PDF, 147 KB
Additional Family Information [IMM 5406] PDF, 134 KB
Fee Payment Form – Application for Permanent Residence – Federal Skilled Worker
[IMM 5620] PDF, 26 KB
Document Checklist [IMM 5612] PDF, 166 KB
Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] PDF, 55 KB
Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476)Video tutorial to help you complete this form
3. Supporting documents
The additional documents requested in Appendix A of the Visa Office specific forms, are required when you submit your application to the CIO.
Send the document checklist
Make sure you use the document checklist
(IMM 5612) and use it as the cover page of your application.
Document sequencing is based on the checklist IMM 5612
I hope this will be of help. Just kindly read them, follow each instruction and you'll find the task enlightening and a bit easier once you've read it