Thank you in advance for any insights. I was refused a visitor visa for a second time and decided to go through the JR process. I recently received a settlement offer from the DOJ for my application to go back to the IRCC for redetermination. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the below questions:
Thank you in advance for any insights. I was refused a visitor visa for a second time and decided to go through the JR process. I recently received a settlement offer from the DOJ for my application to go back to the IRCC for redetermination. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the below questions:
- How long does it typically take for IRCC to reopen the application?
- Are applications that are sent back for redetermination typically approved or are you essentially at square one as if it's a new application? Are they viewed differently given that they've gone through the JR route and settled with the DOJ?
- Are applications sent back for redetermination at the bottom of the pile with new applications or are they prioritized differently?