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Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London


Hero Member
Oct 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
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canada1234 said:
I second that. One of my friend last year went to Noranex to get some information and they charged 1000 Rs just for introductory Bull *Censored Word* meeting. Look at their charges, they are charging almost double than in UAE. You are right once they get all your information it's not easy to escape from their captivity.
I have personally found Nornex big Thags, CEO the Son of Bitttch have engaged many ''The ladies of Night'' there to entice and trap innocent people ,I wish If I were in a position and have brought legislation against such mafea detracking innocent people to make them pay tax and working under direct instructions of FIA/IB/MI/PBA/CID/ISI. :-X


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
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Veva said:
Near Christmass and New Year, they are off for weeks. We may expect some ''HAL-CHAL'' around Feb 2011 :-X
London visa office holidays.

Christmas public holiday 27th December
Boxing Day 28th December
New Year Holiday 1st January

Apart from these days visa offices will be open and they will be working on our files but these 3 days will be public holidays and no work will be going on.

Office closures during 2010

Date Closed for:

January 1st New Year's Day
April 2 Good Friday
April 5 Easter Monday
May 3 Early May Bank Holiday
May 31 Late May Bank Holiday
July 1 Canada Day
August 30 Late August Bank Holiday
September 6 Labour Day
October 11 Thanksgiving
December 27 Christmas Day
December 28 Boxing Day



Hero Member
Aug 16, 2010
Pakistan, Karachi
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staralihaider said:
London visa office holidays.

Christmas public holiday 27th December
Boxing Day 28th December
New Year Holiday 1st January

Apart from these days visa offices will be open and they will be working on our files but these 3 days will be public holidays and no work will be going on.

Office closures during 2010

Date Closed for:

January 1st New Year's Day
April 2 Good Friday
April 5 Easter Monday
May 3 Early May Bank Holiday
May 31 Late May Bank Holiday
July 1 Canada Day
August 30 Late August Bank Holiday
September 6 Labour Day
October 11 Thanksgiving
December 27 Christmas Day
December 28 Boxing Day

Its nice to know that have only few holidays for Christmas & new year. I am quiet hopeful that we will getting response from CHC London some where in January 2011! Insh Allah


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
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News Release
Government of Canada announces 2011 immigration plan

Ottawa, November 1, 2010 — The Government of Canada will maintain high immigration levels to help sustain the economic recovery, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today upon tabling the annual immigration plan in Parliament.

It is estimated that Canada will welcome between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents in 2011. Sixty percent of these immigrants will come through economic streams.

“Canada's post-recession economy demands a high level of legal immigration to keep our work force strong,” he said. “At the same time, we are maintaining our commitment to family reunification and refugees.”

Like many other countries with ageing populations and low birth rates, in the not too distant future Canada will not have enough people to keep our work force growing. While the majority of new entrants to our labour force will continue to come from within Canada, without immigration, the size of our work force will shrink. Within the next five years, all of our labour force growth will come from immigration.

Highlights of the 2011 immigration plan include a higher range of admissions for spouses and children in the family category. In keeping with recent reforms to Canada's refugee system, the 2011 plan also includes an additional 1,125 refugees resettled in Canada as part of the commitment to increase total refugee resettlement by 2,500 over three years. In 2008, the last year for which figures are available, Canada resettled more bona fide refugees than any country but the United States. Canada resettles over one in 10 of the world's refugees.

“These refugees are selected and screened by Canada, and come here legally,” noted Minister Kenney. “We look forward to giving them a safe, new beginning.”

Within the economic category, the 2011 plan balances projected admissions between federally and provincially selected workers to meet Canada's national and regional labour market needs. Provincial programs help distribute the benefits of immigrants across the entire country. Twenty-five percent of economic immigrants are now destined for provinces other than Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec, compared to 11 percent in 1997.

The Federal Skilled Worker Program remains a significant portion of the economic category. The program admits a range of workers, including technicians, skilled tradespersons, managers and professionals, who help to supplement the Canadian-born work force.



VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
The Canadian Government looks to maintain immigration levels

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Federal Government of Canada looks to keep the levels of immigration steady over the next year. However, they are looking to limit economic immigrants and boost the number of spouses and children.

You can live & work in Canada! go >

The Conservative government reports its aim is to take between 240,000 and 265,000 new permanent residents next year. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has stated that "Canada's post-recession economy demands a high level of legal immigration to keep our workforce strong,"

The report further demonstrated that the provinces are taking a role in choosing economic immigrants. As the number of provincially selected immigrants climbs the number of economic class newcomer's declines.

The number of spouses and children in 2010 and historically was estimated at 45,000, Mr. Kenney looks to increase this number to 48,000. Mr. Kenney also expects the number of refugees to increase. He said "the refugees are selected and screened by Canada and come here legally," adding "we look forward to giving them a safe new beginning."

Chief economist Glen Hodgson argues "that the recession prompted a temporary glut in workers. As the economy recovers, and as retirements soar, he figures Canada will require about 350,000 immigrants a year by 2030 in order to keep its workforce growing." Mr. Hodgson also said that "we will need to recognize the importance of skills-based immigration to address Canada's labour market needs and to unlock immigrants' potential for making a long-term economic contribution."

Mr. Kenney indicated his focus is on effectively integrating newcomers into the Canadian workforce for the greatest benefit from their training and expertise.

If you are interested in Immigration to Canada, contact Migration Expert for information and advice on which visa is best suited to you. You can also try our visa eligibility assessment to see if you are eligible to apply for a visa to Canada.



VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
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News Release
Skilled worker immigrants faring well in Canada, new evaluation shows

Ottawa, November 25, 2010 — Immigrants selected by the federal government under the current skilled worker program are contributing to Canada's economy, a new evaluation has found.

The evaluation measured whether the current federal skilled worker program is selecting immigrants who are more likely to succeed economically in Canada. In 2009, federal skilled workers made up approximately 10 percent of Canada's annual immigration intake—25 percent when one includes spouses and dependent children.

According to the evaluation, the biggest predictors of an immigrant's economic success are having a job already arranged in Canada when applying; the ability to speak English or French; and having worked in Canada before applying to immigrate. Having studied in Canada for at least two years and having a relative in Canada are less of a determinant of success.

“The evaluation showed that skilled immigrants are doing well in Canada and filling gaps in our work force,” said Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney. “This puts some dents in the doctors-driving-taxis stereotype.”

The findings revealed that the selection criteria, put in place when the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) became law, have been successful in improving the outcomes of skilled immigrants by placing more emphasis on arranged employment, language and education. Income for skilled workers selected under the IRPA criteria was as much as 65 percent higher than for workers chosen under the pre-IRPA system. Skilled workers who already had a job offer when they applied for permanent residence fared best of all, earning on average $79,200 three years after arriving in Canada. The findings also revealed that skilled workers selected under the IRPA criteria were less likely to rely on employment insurance or social assistance.

Among other recommendations, the evaluation suggested placing higher priority on younger workers, and increasing the integrity of the arranged employment part of the program, which is susceptible to fraud. The evaluation also recommended that further emphasis be placed on fluency in English or French, and supported the Minister's June 2010 decision to require language testing for federal skilled worker applicants to combat fraud.

“We're pleased the evaluation showed that the program is working as intended,” said Minister Kenney. “We're committed to making it even better and will be consulting on improvements in the coming weeks.” The Department is planning to put forward for public consultation several proposals to improve the program, building on the achievements in the evaluation report.



Hero Member
Oct 9, 2009
Islamabad Pakistan
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Transferred to London from Islamabad
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App. Filed.......
4 Nov 2009
Doc's Request.
1 Jan 2010
4th may 2010
AOR Received.
18th Aug 2010
Med's Done....
June 2012
15-1-15 PP received on 21-1-15
Mera number kab aaee ga ?????????????????????? :)


Dec 22, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
staralihaider said:
PLZ all of you: Join List of Pakistani Resident After 1 April 2010 CHC London. share your time lines i will update this list weekly mostly on every friday, it is usefull for all of us, plz all of you join those who pakistani residents and send full documents to chc london after 1st april 2010. (i am talking about those who are living in pakistan).

Man In Black

Hero Member
Dec 21, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Med's Request
Add me in the list,NOC is 4131,full documents to VO London on 03/12/10