Walakum Asslam C2C ,Jeetay Reho

Right now , I am just waiting for the letter and GCMS notes and then I will decide my next course of action.
I appreciate your PM, but it would be nice if you just post the information here on the forum so that others can benefit from it as well. There are so many silent visitors of the forum who donot post questions and we have to think about them as well.
Imran Khan is my role model for a decade. After listoning to his speeches, all the others (Corrupt Zardari, dumb Nawaz, Terrorist Altaf, Sold Molana Diesel, traitor ANP) are all useless . I have a strong feeling deep down in my heart that if Imran comes into power and he stays for atleast 5 years, our Pakistan will be on the right track, and people like us dont have to work for Canada ;D.
StarAliHaider bhaijan,
Kindly update the list for both me and my sister in law or people keep questioning me ;D .