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Join List of Pakistani Residents After 1 April 2010 CHC London


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
q2hassan said:
Salaam Guys,
Hopefully i will be getting my 2nd AOR in the upcomming week, i m really worried about my experience verification as when i send my appilication I was working in a private firm as a finance person , now i have left that job and joined a local bank in the finance dept, as the co. which i left didn't wanted me to leave and the experience letter which i got from them was taken by lieing to them as i said that i want to apply for credit card and they went following things in it .. now i m afraid they might not do some thing wrong with my case . as i joined the bank 3 weeks before , i m not confirmed emply i will be confirmed after 6 months i didn't got any letter till now from the bank . what shall i do ? its really worrying for me ??
and when shall i expect the call for verification ? or visit ? the most probably way of verification by islamabad CHC ? what about london CHC ?
if i can ask my friend in that company who is also in HR to verify would that be applicable and when should i ask him to be ready and expect call in the comming days?
Thanking in advance
i think on this stage difficult to say anything they verify any time with in 8 months or may be they did'nt verify, many of the applicants do verified after getting 2nd AOR and VO verified after 2 or 3 months.


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
This is the current list

NOC Name: Full Documents London Ecase: 2nd AOR: verification: Medical: Interview:

Kabooterji :1st Feb 2010 isl Received VO 8 March 2010 No: No: No:

0213 BJ40: 11th March 2010 isl Received VO 24 March 2010 No: No: No:

1111 Sufyan: 12th March 2010 isl Received VO 25 March 2010 No: No: No:

0213 SLeo: 25th March 2010 isl Received VO 7th April 2010 No: No: No:

4121 farhaniqbal:29th March 2010 isl Received VO 9th April 2010 No: No: No:

Tzakur: 1st April 2010 isl Received VO waiting No: No: No:

Ha2922: 5th April 2010 LDN CIO: waiting: No: No: No:

Sakhan: 6th April 2010 LDN Received VO 4 AUG 2010: No: No: No:

4131 Faisal: 11th April 2010 LDN Received VO 13 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Hufeza: 16th April 2010 LDN Received VO 19 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Azmat: 23rd April 2010 LDN Received VO 24 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

2145 Hasan123:23rd April 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

Markon: 26th April 2010 LDN Received VO 20 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Khipak: 27th April 2010 LDN Received VO 23 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Bhatti12: 28rd April 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

khanbaba:28th April 2010 LDN Received VO 22 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Positron: 28th April 2010 LDN CIO: 22 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Arman79: 28rd April 2010 LDN Received VO 18 May 2010 No: No: No:

2113 Arkhan: 29th April 2010 LDN Received VO waiting No: No: No:

salmanahm 4th May 2010 LDN Received VO 18 May 2010 No: No: No:

4131 Staralihaider:5th May 2010 LDN Received VO 18 AUG 2010 No: No: No:

Atifhassan: 7th May 2010 LDN CIO: waiting: No: No: No:

Hina_lhr 13th May 2010 LDN Received VO 12 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

0213 Kamee79:18th May 2010 LDN Received VO 19 AUG 2010 No: No: No:

Amh: 20th May 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

Rimas: 23th May 2010 LDN CIO: waiting: No: No: No:

GodLoveme: 25th May 2010 LDN Received VO 16 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

0213 InamRaheem:26th May 2010 LDN Received VO 24 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Samia ammar:26th May 2010 LDN Received VO 24 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Peacefull:28th May 2010 LDN Received VO 11 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

4131/0111 Azad jan: 1st June 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

0213 Chughtai:8th June 2010 LDN Received VO 25 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Nadeem jee: 9th June 2010 LDN Received VO 28 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Laeeq: 14th June 2010 LDN Received VO 20 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Waqas83: 15th June 2010 LDN Received VO 20 AUG 2010 No: No: No:

Way: 16th June 2010 LDN Received VO 13 AUG 2010 No: No: No:

Somey11:18th June 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

0213 Ali zafar: 21st June 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

0111 Q2hassan:24th June 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

Yellowtopaz:24th June 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

Shahzoo: 25th June 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No:

0213 Mubbashir: 28th June 2010 LDN Received VO 23 Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Aamirdr: 30th June 2010 isl to LDN CIO waiting: No: No: No:

zalmayday:5th July 2010 LDN Received VO 2nd Aug 2010 No: No: No:

Canada1234:19th July 2010 LDN Received VO 4th AUG 2010 No: No: No

Hinnajamal: 19th July 2010 LDN Received VO waiting No No: No

0213 Msaim: 28th July 2010 LDN Received VO waiting: No: No: No

Immig dude:3rd AUG 2010 LDN CIO waiting: No: No: No

Ashrafbwn :6th AUG 2010 LDN CIO waiting: No: No: No


Champion Member
Mar 7, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
30-04-2010/1st AOR
IELTS Request
File Transfer...
9-06-2010/25-08-2010 2nd AOR
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..

staralihaider said:
inshallah in this week many of the applicants got status changed and also got 2nd AOR.


VIP Member
Apr 7, 2010
Job Offer........
staralihaider said:
inshallah in this week many of the applicants got status changed and also got 2nd AOR.
How many people got there status changed and how many got 2nd AOR ?


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........

FSW-PR under 'fast track' System: All u need to know
...You may just not need a "Consultant" at all !!!

Dear friends,

We see the same query being repeated time-n-again... [1] How to Apply? [2] Where to apply? [3] Do we get a Consultant or go DIY? Etc. Thus, I thought of posting some aspects of it as a separate thread, as we keep responding to others infrequently.

Under the present 'fast track' system, the PR processing of FSW is quite 'simple & straight'. We actually don't need an 'agent', unless something is bothering us, viz. Problem cases, Previous rejections, Lack of time etc. Even under that duress, we can still do it ourselves. Today, for processing our FSW cases all we need is the awesome CIC website [which has a detailed Guide] & Forums like these.

Note that most consultants would just be rendering 'courier & typing' services. And when we need real 'consultancy' we'll find them lacking & unaccessible. Secondly, they are prone to delaying our cases. Thirdly, we'll yet be running into these Forums for getting your queries answered. It doesn't mean all are bad, but most are. And for just that is spending our hard-earned greenbacks on them justified? I feel "No".

Here's how we can go about it...

How do we send the Application?
Initially we send the Apps (+Processing Fees+some Docs [only]) to the CIO-NS, wherever we are, whatever be our CHC. Thereafter, once we get the AOR+120 days letter, we send the complete docs (+Copies of One Set of the 'original' apps+the RPRF*) to the local Visa Office (CHC). And wait for further instructions. For more info see below...

Instruction Guide [IMM EG7000]
For details & complete procedure on the above plz refer to the CIC Instruction Guide here:

Application Forms
The full set of application forms are given here:

FAQ Thread on this Forum
A very useful FAQ thread [on the subject] is available here [initiated by member 'maaties']:

The Process in a Nutshell
Stage-1: [CIO stage] Send Initial Apps+Processing Fees to CIO-NS > Eligibility Check > Issue of AOR+120 days Letter >
Stage-2: [CHC stage onwards] Send Full Docs+RPRF to the Local Visa Office > File on Queue > e-Cas: "Received by Visa Office" > Qualitative Check+PSDEC > Issue of 2nd AOR > Background Check > Issue of Additional docs Request [if any] > 1st BF'D > e-Cas: "In Process" > Send Addnl. Docs > Issue of Med Request > 2nd BF'D >
Stage-3: Meds Sent > e-Cas: "Medical Results Recd." > Issue of PPR** > Send Passport/s > Security Check > Visa/s Stamped > e-Cas: "Decision Made" >
Stage-4: Return of 'Stamped' Passport/s+COPR > Landing at the POE > e-Cas: "Completed".

Timeframe for the 'entire' Process:
Let whatever the Consultants or their Adverts say. The total timeframe [from 1st application to case completion'] is 6-18 months. Avg. 12 months. Many get it within 8-10 months. This timeframe is not one CHC specific... it's for all CHCs. Unless there are 'red flags' in our case that delays the Background or Security Checks, most of us will 'compete' the process in 1yr.

*RPRF can be sent anytime during the process. However, it is good to send it early.
**Meds & PPR are sometimes clubbed together.

Notwithstanding the fact that there'd yet be ppl who'd find a Consultant quite handy. But overall, are we so naive today? Are we not 'internet-savvy? Can't we devote few days [taken Off from work] to read the guide & fill-out the forms? Aren't most of us asking questions here or answering? Then, where's the problem in avoiding a Consultant? Unless we are Ok with spending our $$$.


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
Background & Security Checks

Note: Our Background Check comprises of 2 parts:
1. The Standard Documentation Checks,
2. The Security & Criminality Checks.

Standard Documentation Checks:
Our background check is done at the CHC stage. It commences the moment our file gets the 1st BFD by the VO. An indicator of which is the e-CAS that shows "In Progress". All docs been checked & our NOC being tallied against the MI, if the VO finds our case 'eligible' for Canadian PR, the file becomes 'Accepted'; and then it goes for standard background checks, viz. Exp, Quals, Adaptability, Qualitative Considerations etc.

The process involves many things. If our case file is well presented and the enclosures vouch the quality-quantity, adequate POF docs etc., there might not be a requirement of 'actually' calling the employers, references etc. The VOs have a way with that, they are experienced enough to ascertain the logical disposition of our case. But, if there are any concerns of his/her, s/he is likely to ask for additional docs, do further scrutiny vide any means [calling, visiting etc.] & might ask for an Interview.

-Culmination: When 'fully' satisfied, we get the 'Medical Request'.
-Timeframe: Can be anything around 3-8* months, for the 'fast track' system (Avg. 4-5 months).
-eCAS: Continues to Show 'In Process'.
*The older system has a queue, thus can be longer.

Security & Criminality Checks:
A part of the b/ground checks is the 'Security Check'. It commences after our med results are submitted to the CHC. This is a major activity -mainly concerning our 'safe inclusion' into the Canadian Soil; vis-a-vis, Political, Socio-Econmical, Anti-Social disposition, perceived Threat to Canada's integrity etc. This gets us the SDEC, CDEC & SECCRIM.

This is a serious & time-consuming stage, involving many agencies, including CSIS, Interpol, NASC, Database Checking & touch-base with Local Police. Many things are considered here... the No. of countries visited, Applicant coming from 'certain' countries, ex-Servicemen [including Law Enforcement services], Prolonged stay in a country w/out sufficient docs to prove cause, frequent traveling to certain nations, your *Name (?), Inter-Religion/Nationality Marriages etc.

If everything is simple & straight, the file soon gets into the 'final review' stage. If there are any 'red flags', our case goes into a 'spin'. Then our file might go to the local Police/CID agencies; the outcome/timeframe of which is beyond the control of CIC. And thereby the timeframe can be anything [sometimes beyond 1yr]. But, usually this stage should be over by 5 months max. However, a point to be noted is that we can also be called for an Interview [at this stage], due to this reason.

-Culmination: Only upon security clearance we receive the PPR.
-Timeframe: Around 2-6 months. Avg. 3 months. [With new system, sometimes PPR is clubbed with Meds]
Still 'In Process', but 'Med Results Recd.' inside.

*Yes, that's how a certain Mr. Sharukh Khan was detained for 4.5 hrs in an US port. He was a VIP, thus 4.5 hrs. For u & me -things could be different.
The Process in a Nutshell:

[CIO stage] Send Initial Apps+Processing Fees to CIO-NS > Qualitative Check > Issue of AOR+120 days Letter >

Stage-2: [CHC stage onwards] Send Full Docs+RPRF to the Local Visa Office > File on Queue > e-Cas: "Received by Visa Office" > Eligibility Check+PSDEC > Issue of 2nd AOR > Background Check > Issue of Additional docs Request [if any] > 1st BF'D > e-Cas: "In Process" > Send Addnl. Docs > Issue of Med Request > 2nd BF'D >

Stage-3: Meds Sent > e-Cas: "Medical Results Recd." > Issue of PPR* > Send Passport/s > Security Check > Visa/s Stamped > e-Cas: "Decision Made" >
*The Meds & PPR are sometimes 'clubbed' together.

Stage-4: Return of 'Stamped' Passport/s+COPR > Landing at the POE > e-Cas: "Completed".


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
All about BF'D :
-Only for some of us who didn't know...

BF'D is an acronym for "Bring Forward Date" in the Canadian PR processing system. Usually our file moves from BF'D to BF'D, as it is the day/date next earmarked by our VO to check our file. This actually serves to eliminate unnecessary clogging of the system... that if there is nothing further to add in a particular file, the VO moves to another case file to work on, rather than holding onto the same one.

What happens on a BF'D
In simple terms it is the date that the file will be looked at [again], assessed, reviewed by your case handling officer at the CHC. S/he will check if anything is lacking, any further queries to be made [to you], any documents to be asked or if any decisive action is to be made/taken. Basically it serves as a 'Reminder Tool' to the case processing officer & that your file is not 'forgotten'.

Now, if the VO observes that something is lacking [that which was asked for], s/he will probably attempt to contact you on this BF'D day and mark another BF'D on your file. This depends on the subject of check [the all time phrase 'Case-to-Case' basis]. Sometimes, if the check report warrants, the VO might not give you another opportunity and take a decisive action. Note: The situation is fluid & no one can really provide a sanguine comment on it.

Will the file be 'only' looked at a BF'D
No. If something like reports, results, documents etc. [eg. background/security checks] comes to the CHC in between, your file gets opened and assessed. However, if nothing is received in between, you get another BF'D. Note once again: If they are waiting for something and it comes as expected then the file continues to be processed further, if not then the file will be next reviewed on the BFD 'only'.

An Example
Every time we get a letter/email from the CHC -it carries a 'time limit' to submit something, right? Say 45 days, 60 days or 90 days... the ending day of that time limit is our next BF'D. As an example, if the CHC sent you a medical request [alongwith the forms] on 02 Jan 2010; and it carries a 60 day's deadline -it means your file has been marked with the next BF'D of 01 Mar 2010.

However, if your medical results are received before the BF'D [01 Mar 2010], say on 05 Feb 2010 -your file will be further processed on that day itself [05 Feb 2010]. If the med results didn't come by earlier, then it will be opened on 01 Mar 2010 -the BF'D day.

How many BF'Ds we get
Some BF'Ds are 'routine', as exampled above. Then there are some which is either case generated or because of us. By 'case generated' I mean, [eg.] if one's Security Report is pending from an external agency -the VO gives a BF'D & waits. If the report comes in time, action is taken. If it doesn't, one gets another BF'D. And the situation continues...

By 'because of us'* I mean if the VO had asked us for a document [or a couple of them]. It is wise that we proceed to submit the document/s asap. Reason? The case moves faster [read: it'll open before the BF'D]. If we don't, s/he may try to contact us on the BF'D day & log another BF'D on our file [result: Delay/s].

Delays due to BF'Ds
As stated above, except the 'routine' ones, other BF'Ds do delay our process. At the least [best scenario] each BF'D would be a month apart. Some might be more. The ideal action on our part is to submit anything that has been asked for asap. That would negate a BF'D. However, there can be times that something we just might not be able to send asap. In that case we 'must' send it by the 'deadline' -that'd avoid another BF'D, won't it?


VIP Member
Jun 19, 2010
Job Offer........
Proof of 'Landing' Funds:-Do we take the Bank Statement or otherwise ?

How Much needed to Show at the Airport/POE :
No. of Pax ........... Funds Reqd-CAD
1 ....................... $11,086
2 ....................... $13,801
3 ....................... $16,967
4 ....................... $20,599
5 ....................... $23,364
6 ....................... $26,350
7 or more ........... $29,337

Is it necessary to carry the P.O.F. while 'Landing' ?
100%. A part of the 'Record of Landing' "Interview" is to ensure 'sustainability' in Canada by the applicant. The IO must ensure that you carry enough funds [based on LICO] which will help you settle easily, w/out any burden on Canadian Social Services. Remember, except for 'refugees' under the Refugees Protection Act, Canada doesn't offer financial assistance for any other categories of applicants.

Irrespective of the no. of family members performing the 1st landing, the entire POF [as per the chart above] must be shown to the IO at the POE. Subsequent 'landings' by the 'accompanying dependents' do not need to show the POF.

That means, whether the PA alone or one or more of his family members are 'landing' for the 1st time, the above funds are required. It's another matter whether the IO at the POE doesn't ask for it [very often that happens]. But, w/out the POF our entry can be 'Denied'.

Bank Statement/s as POF:
This issue has been dealt in detail [recurs frequently] here. The fact remains that we will actually need those monies once we land. Under avg, & usual circumstances -the POF described by the CIC is a necessity to survive in Canada, w/out a job, for approx. 6 months. Thus, in all earnestness we 'must' carry the 'landing funds' in a 'liquid' format* -easily accessible anytime upon landing.

Now, not all Bank Statements would be acceptable for 'landing'. There are instances when a Bank Statement was negated and the applicant was denied entry. I learnt it from the various forums & listening to the experiences of some families in Canada. Most 3rd world bank's statements will not be acceptable. Some examples were given, but I refrain to put-it-up here.

However, the statement/s of banks from UK, US, Norway, ANZ etc. were accepted in quite a few cases [I know of one personally]. Also, statement/s of International Banks [having a presence in Canada] were acceptable, viz. HSBC, Stanchart, RBC etc. But again, one case stated that their Citibank Statement was not accepted.

Now, here's a dichotomy. Our landing is supposed to be one of the most beautiful experiences of our lifetime. We have given our entirety to this process, didn't we? Something we had been looking forward to -for quite sometime now. What if a particular IO refuses to accept our bank statement?

Well, we have learnt that many of the bank's statement they do accept, but what if? And then, would we be running around towards all the possible hierarchy in the CBSA at the POE for a solution -which might come by, for sure? But won't that mar the thrills of our 'long-awaited-anticipated' first-foot into the Canadian soil? Do we take that chance? Is it that important to carry the bank statement than expect to come-out of the airport, with the family & kids, in 30-45 minutes, smoothly?


Star Member
Jun 4, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
staralihaider said:

FSW-PR under 'fast track' System: All u need to know
...You may just not need a "Consultant" at all !!!

Dear friends,

We see the same query being repeated time-n-again... [1] How to Apply? [2] Where to apply? [3] Do we get a Consultant or go DIY? Etc. Thus, I thought of posting some aspects of it as a separate thread, as we keep responding to others infrequently.

Under the present 'fast track' system, the PR processing of FSW is quite 'simple & straight'. We actually don't need an 'agent', unless something is bothering us, viz. Problem cases, Previous rejections, Lack of time etc. Even under that duress, we can still do it ourselves. Today, for processing our FSW cases all we need is the awesome CIC website [which has a detailed Guide] & Forums like these.

Note that most consultants would just be rendering 'courier & typing' services. And when we need real 'consultancy' we'll find them lacking & unaccessible. Secondly, they are prone to delaying our cases. Thirdly, we'll yet be running into these Forums for getting your queries answered. It doesn't mean all are bad, but most are. And for just that is spending our hard-earned greenbacks on them justified? I feel "No".

Here's how we can go about it...

How do we send the Application?
Initially we send the Apps (+Processing Fees+some Docs [only]) to the CIO-NS, wherever we are, whatever be our CHC. Thereafter, once we get the AOR+120 days letter, we send the complete docs (+Copies of One Set of the 'original' apps+the RPRF*) to the local Visa Office (CHC). And wait for further instructions. For more info see below...

Instruction Guide [IMM EG7000]
For details & complete procedure on the above plz refer to the CIC Instruction Guide here:

Application Forms
The full set of application forms are given here:

FAQ Thread on this Forum
A very useful FAQ thread [on the subject] is available here [initiated by member 'maaties']:

The Process in a Nutshell
Stage-1: [CIO stage] Send Initial Apps+Processing Fees to CIO-NS > Eligibility Check > Issue of AOR+120 days Letter >
Stage-2: [CHC stage onwards] Send Full Docs+RPRF to the Local Visa Office > File on Queue > e-Cas: "Received by Visa Office" > Qualitative Check+PSDEC > Issue of 2nd AOR > Background Check > Issue of Additional docs Request [if any] > 1st BF'D > e-Cas: "In Process" > Send Addnl. Docs > Issue of Med Request > 2nd BF'D >
Stage-3: Meds Sent > e-Cas: "Medical Results Recd." > Issue of PPR** > Send Passport/s > Security Check > Visa/s Stamped > e-Cas: "Decision Made" >
Stage-4: Return of 'Stamped' Passport/s+COPR > Landing at the POE > e-Cas: "Completed".

Timeframe for the 'entire' Process:
Let whatever the Consultants or their Adverts say. The total timeframe [from 1st application to case completion'] is 6-18 months. Avg. 12 months. Many get it within 8-10 months. This timeframe is not one CHC specific... it's for all CHCs. Unless there are 'red flags' in our case that delays the Background or Security Checks, most of us will 'compete' the process in 1yr.

*RPRF can be sent anytime during the process. However, it is good to send it early.
**Meds & PPR are sometimes clubbed together.

Notwithstanding the fact that there'd yet be ppl who'd find a Consultant quite handy. But overall, are we so naive today? Are we not 'internet-savvy? Can't we devote few days [taken Off from work] to read the guide & fill-out the forms? Aren't most of us asking questions here or answering? Then, where's the problem in avoiding a Consultant? Unless we are Ok with spending our $$$.
Awesome Post Star

keep helping and God shall reward u



Hero Member
May 6, 2010
Job Offer........
Med's Request
March 2013
Dear Ali Haider
Do quote the Champion Member, Qurax, for sharing such knowledge. Whatever u share belongs to Qurax.


Star Member
Aug 18, 2010
Job Offer........
staralihaider said:

FSW-PR under 'fast track' System: All u need to know
...You may just not need a "Consultant" at all !!!


Notwithstanding the fact that there'd yet be ppl who'd find a Consultant quite handy. But overall, are we so naive today? Are we not 'internet-savvy? Can't we devote few days [taken Off from work] to read the guide & fill-out the forms? Aren't most of us asking questions here or answering? Then, where's the problem in avoiding a Consultant? Unless we are Ok with spending our $$$.
Hi Ali Haider,

Thanks for your detailed process description......but i think, towards the end (of the post i'm responding to), your tone is somewhat arrogant and against the spirit of this forum.......

yes everything is available on net today......and esp these forums are very helpful....but let me tell u abt another aspect of it.....

(b4 applying to canada....i've been doing background research on immigration for canada, australia, new zealand and few other countries....) there're many things on which these official websites don't throw light on.... and such forums can become sometimes just confusing.....b4 signing up here, i've been regularly visiting this forum 4 the last 7/8 months......few of the senior really know the process in and out.....but still i've seen often, that some "half cooked" senior makes the situation confusing with his/her opinion....b4 some real knowledgeable one wud clear out the confusion....... this forum is gr8 but u can't depend on it 100% all the time.....

and if someone can afford a registered consultant (i.e. reg with CSIC, MARA....etc) then it's more assuring.....your application is filled and prepared covering each and every loop hole (if any) ....more importantly you can be sure that the documents you sent are prepared exactly according to wht is needed.....and there'll b no time wasted in sending missing docs or re-sending some of docs returned with objections ( if any)..... so i think if someone can afford it....it's far better than applying on one's own.....

the main point here is that these forums are for helping out otheres.....by sharing info....and answering the queries of those who really don't know that much abt the process or can't afford a consultant........but i personally see no point in posting pompous statements, implying that the ppl using the consultants are a bunch of dumbsters ..... :mad:

P.S. I'm not a consultant myself.... and no hard feelings !!

Cheers !!


VIP Member
Apr 7, 2010
Job Offer........
hinnajamal said:
Dear Ali Haider
Do quote the Champion Member, Qurax, for sharing such knowledge. Whatever u share belongs to Qurax.
100% Agree alll this great information is given by Captain Qorax and Credit goes to him for all this.
