In my EE form, for my Job Title i have mentioned 2 titles. One in India and One in Saudi
Now, while filling PR form, the letter which i got from company has different Job titles(2 for India(Job title changed after 1 year of working) and 1 for saudi)
Should i mention in PR the updated one? or i can combine 2 job titles of same location(India) into one and update? Will this cause an issue?
Note: i am working for the same company for the entire duration(Both India and Saudi)
In my EE form, for my Job Title i have mentioned 2 titles. One in India and One in Saudi
Now, while filling PR form, the letter which i got from company has different Job titles(2 for India(Job title changed after 1 year of working) and 1 for saudi)
Should i mention in PR the updated one? or i can combine 2 job titles of same location(India) into one and update? Will this cause an issue?
Note: i am working for the same company for the entire duration(Both India and Saudi)