It is often hard to get a job offer from the outside. The employers do not want to bother trying to apply for an LMO for you so you can apply for a work permit unless they really have to because if they can get a Canadian who can do that job, they will not get an LMO anyway. You can try getting job offers by looking at job search websites and contacting employers but it will probably not be easy. If you get a job offer and an LMO, you can apply for a work permit. If the employer can't get an LMO but he is ok with waiting, you can get an AEO and he can sponsor you through a PNP or you can use the AEO to apply under FSW.
If you can not get a job offer, you can try to get a study permit. After studying, you can apply for a post-grad work permit which is an open permit so it will make it easy for the employer to hire you without having to apply for anything. You can only get an open work permit for as long as your course was. If you do a 2 year course, you can get a 3 year open work permit. If you only do a one year course, you only get a 1 year open permit. If you do two one year courses, they will not hold it against you if the 2nd course is a masters, otherwise 2 x 1 year course is not the same as 1 x 2 year course.
To qualify under CEC, you need 2 years studies and 1 year skilled work in Canada or no studies and 2 years work. If you only do a one year course and get a one year work permit, you would not be able to apply under CEC but if you are lucky, you will find an employer who will apply for your LMO to help you stay when your 1 year work permit would expire. Taking a 2 year course means that you have a lot more time on an open work permit to find ways to qualify to apply for your PR.