That's what the manual says, but it's possible that things have changed since then.
Thanks for sharing, perhaps things changed by now, tons of folks having test completed but BG (mostly security) in process. CPC when initiates criminality to RCMP and securith to CBSA/CSIS through GCMS automation, at same time seems to fwding case files to local VO. The local VO initiates test invite upon receipt and performing soft chk as well. I think thats where the sync issue happens and ppl keep waiting until their bg completes (it contains normaly security checks besides there are cases where files move to SS - a detailed BG check) Also now a days load balancing the file keeps moving across various locations and different stages being performed by diff VOs (e.g. FPReqs are coming from VYR, and SCR cases being moved to MIS, etc.). Agreed on that part where file doesn't progress to later stages of LPP (DM in ECAS) and oath invite, until BG is cleared - as those can't be initiated unless test completion and BGC. Anyways, will give it a thorough read. Parallel and batch processing and load balancing and machine automation and sync across various systems (GCMS, Horizon, ECAS, Tracker, etc). Hence lots of things changing and issues as well which all comes under procedural fairness hence the 23 month window good luck everyone!