- Sep 21, 2015
- 9,917
- Category........
- Visa Office......
- Ottawa
- NOC Code......
- 4112
- App. Filed.......
- 03-09-2015
- Doc's Request.
- 01-10-2015
- AOR Received.
- 03-09-2015
- Med's Done....
- 17-08-2015
- Passport Req..
- 05-04-2016
- 12-04-2016
- LANDED..........
- 05-05-2016
If your application ha snot been approved, a PPR has not been sent to you as your application is not yet finalized.@legalfalcon No it does not says approved anywhere.
Last update states in GCMS is on 14 March which says "No 35/37 concerns evident"
Further there is due date of 07 April 2022 mentioned that is assigned to the same officer who updated the last status.
This is how my Assessment looks like:
Eligibility: Passed
Criminality: Passed
Security: (Blank)
HIRV: (Blank)
Criminality: Passed
Org Crime: (Blank)
Medical: Passed
Mispresentation: (Blank)
Info Sharing: Complete
Other Reqs: (Blank)
Final: (Blank)
By the way I spoke to the IRCC agent today and he confirmed that my background check which is security and Criminality are both passed too and that no further process is pending. My file is waiting for final review which he don't know when will that happen.
Do you advise to raise a webform?
The final stage is a final review before the PPR is sent. Even if all stages are passed, a final review has to be done.