Yea, I saw this website before.
Evaluating PNP applicants on A11.2
It is possible that a candidate may appear to meet the program requirements of more than one federal immigration program. When this occurs, the processing office must only determine that the applicant meets
one of the federal programs for which they have been tagged. Once the applicant is determined to have met
one of the federal immigration programs there is no need for further assessment of the others.
Processing offices should assess PNP applicants for federal programs in the following order:
Should the applicant fail to meet the first program considered, the processing office should consider the other programs to which the applicant has been tagged in turn until the applicant either meets
one program or all possible tagged programs have been considered.
If it is determined that the applicant does not meet any of the tagged federal immigration programs, the application should be refused on A11.2. Misrepresentation should also be considered, as appropriate.