Thank you for understanding. Since we submitted November 30th 2018, there is no biometric requirement for us. That did change for applicants on or around December 2018 though; any applicants after a certain date DO now have to do it. Luckily for us we just missed it, so it is not a requirement due to when we submitted. We will not have to do biometric. Despite this, our APP is STILL in Canada, yes.

lil' rant...
Our app ECAS still reads "Your application is in progress. We will send you a message when we start your background check." so IP1. No update since med passed early March. I called IRCC 2X, I get the same "wait 12 month message" (while watching others in December 2018 group who already have PPR & COPR, I think now some are
even landing). My MP called on my behalf. Same "12 month speech"; in fact, they asked ... if I "wanted him here sooner, why not submit it sooner?". Well, touché

After marriage but before pregnancy, we DID attempt a visitor visa.
Immigration officers denied visitor visa on grounds "
he could overstay his visit" 
even though we promised to show return tix + check in / comply. Such BS! Now we're doing this lengthy sponsorship/PR (which we started the moment we found out I was expecting). Supposed to be the happiest time right? He won't make it in time for baby being born. I emailed Trudeau; had my letter acknowledged and forwarded to Immigration Minister. I voiced feedback with IRCC about MEXICO VO slow processing time
and emailed Ahmed Hussen personally (again) explaining the situation and why ours is
as urgent as other outland folks getting PPR already!
I try to be patient and accept the things I cannot change, but admit it is heartbreaking to watch other Dec. Outland (non express entry) be passed in 106 days despite our situation (baby coming soon, beyond straightforward app, high-level references incl. letters from MPs I know personally). I work in a public-eye type job - they could easily track me down to ensure compliance. It is unfathomable our app 'sits' in Sydney many weeks now
awaiting transfer to VO. It is our tax $$$ funding these immigration offices yet the process truly is not always fair for citizens. I watch the immigration minister Tweet how "they cherish family"... yet our family is separated for one of the most monumental days of our lives.
I do not expect special treatment, but why are DEC '18 applicants from Pakistan, India, Philippines, Africa, US, UK receiving COPR already while we still await transfer to Mexico?

Pura Vida amiga.
Dejame saber como te va!