Just an update of my situation...
AOR Jan 3 here - FSW Outland
Single applicant, 28yo, no ADR.
I lived in Brazil my whole life, except for 3 months (jan-mar/2017) when I lived in Toronto as an international visiting graduate student. i don't understand this long wait for my case, I thought it was a simple one.
One month ago my status was Eligibility recommend pass, criminality passed, security not started (via Mr. Goodale office).
Today is my AOR birthday, 8 months completed.

I raised 3 CSE and received generic responses to all of them, even asking specific updates for eligibility and security checks. For now, I am less anxious than I was 3 months ago, but this wait is painful still. I am renewing my passport in advance on Thursday since it will expire on Jan/2020, and I will send it through a web form as soon as I receive it back. I hope this may speed my process somehow.
That's it for now. I read this thread every day. I know that everyone will get the golden email sooner or later, but my real hope is that we all get the READY FOR VISA by the end of this month.