tigersingh said:
First of all many many congratulations to you for getting VISA

Please share your profile ... as i too have applied on 24th sept in general category and my status changed to passport dispatched on 26th sept. No mails received
Have you consulted any agent for your case ? i have read somewhere on the blog that if you have applied through a representative then CIC will send approval mail to the representative only ...
Waheguru Mehar Kariii .........
Thanks for your kind wishes... and i'm really sorry you got refused again. But like i said before, its not the end of the world. You still have time to re-apply... try to change your course/college and find those tiny errors which are giving you rejection.
Yes, I applied through consultant but he was known to me. BEFORE THIS, me and family got frauded TWICE by agents to a sum of 2 lakh. Oh yeahhh.. agents can really *uck u up badly if u dont have any idea abt what u r doing.
My current known agent was honest, he gave me list of colleges which gave him commission on admission. But i researched college and course for myself which was not on his list, and he insisted me to take my course rather than his. So this marks a good beginning of trust. But its our duty to stay alert, focused and updated with progress of application. I did everything by myself with my agent's guidance. I did not rely on him to do MY WORK. Except for SOP, which was total wreck lol.
Few tips which I believe may raise visa chances:::
Pick public colleges where less international students go. Everyone is rushing to humber, gbc, sheridan, fenshawe, etc etc but think again. I mean they have limited seats.. right?? They fill up fast!! They cant issue 500 visas for 50 seats (example for one course per college). I may not be exactly right, but this is indeed one point u should consider, especially when ur profile is borderline average.
Pick developing area... it might boost ur admission chances. International students bring money. Metro areas make most of the money but comm'on guys.. rural areas need money too. You help those areas by taking admission there, and in return they help u to get PR. How hard is that? Its just my opinion, metros r cheaper to live though bcuz of competition etc
Have a purpose in life... dont just take any course bcuz u dont have an option. U r spending quite a large amount of money, make it worthwhile. Enroll only in those courses that u really really want to do ur entire life! this will help u in long run.
Always keep on working to improve yourself. dont run or make fun of other communities... mix up, learn and progress, this is what mankind is about... keep moving forward!!