Hey guys,
I've now completed the entry of all the information and every section is showing as complete, however I have a few questions:
1) Does the address, work, travel and personal history need to be in chronological order starting with the most recent at the top? It's annoying you can't re-order things once you've input them. The personal history section carried forward my work history (which was in reverse chronological order anyway as I started with the oldest when inputting) and when I entered all the periods of unemployment to fill in the gaps this obviously just added to the bottom. Also on my travel history I started inputting oldest first so the oldest is at the top, will I need to delete everything and carefully re-enter? Is it necessary?? it doesnt have to be in order , but it will be pain when VO is looking at it .just make sure there are no GAPS .
2) I am a UK passport holder and obviously being a part of the EU we don't get stamps in our passports when travelling within the EU and other borderless countries. I took a trip driving around Europe and camped one night here, one night there etc.. Do I have to enter all the different countries I passed through in chronological order? This will really fill up the section. I think I have to and I did enter most but I'm just double checking.you need to mention all the travels , specifically the one's that are STAMPED on your passport
3) I have my bachelor's degree certificate with the date and grade on it (the degree itself that you're handed at graduation). I only have transcripts for year one and two showing my breakdown of grades as my uni submitted sealed transcripts directly to WES. Do I need all 3 or is the certificate enough? in my opinion the degree and others are enough but try and get the missing one if you can, if not mention the missing one in LOE
Thanks!! Hope everyone's moving alone nicely with the application.