Inland applicant for CL sponsorship
Ok, so I am admittedly on the FCS `emotional roller coaster', or in my case...the Tilt-A-Whirl, and probably over thinking some of the questions that are before me, but...I suspect that some of you can relate to the vertigo. I can't seem to convince myself that my answers to the following are the answers that CIC needs to see. So, without further Adieu (I know, that spelling is debatable), here are my questions:
IMM0008E Rev 07-2013
Personal details, question 13:
...Date on which you entered into the common-law relationship.
I know!! That should be a no-brainer, right...but, I'm hung up on the words entered into, so I'm thinking the correct answer is the day we began sharing a residence, not the anniversary date of that `wonderful' day. If I'm wrong, I hope the boobie prize behind door #3 isn't a donkey...or a Ford Pinto (ok, now you know how old I am). LOL!
And...if you haven't laughed yet, you will now:
Last section on IMM0008 says "I, first name, last name______ ...", but I've been using my full name ( as it appears on my passport) throughout all forms. Should I ignore the `instruction' here and sign my full, complete name? Would that show blatant disregard to the instruction? LOL! (FYI, I don't recall signing my `complete' name in recent years, as my penmanship is trumped by most 5 year olds...only first, last name)
S/CL Questionnaire form:
Question 9:
(I answered yes to being in a previous marriage, so I need to complete the following)-
Provide the following details about your previous spouse or CL partner:
Address. ???
I have no idea. I think I know, but at the risk of providing false information to CIC, I'm uneasy about that.
Now, since the question is worded to say Provide the following details about your previous spouse or CL partner and does not say at time of marriage, I wonder if this still means the address at the time of marriage, which would be painfully obvious.
And the final question...again, on IMM0008
Question 2. Your full name written in your native language or script. this a trick question for those that have English as their native language?!?!
The question doesn't read Your full name written in your native language or script if other than English.
I'm inclined to just write my name in the box. LOL!
Now, you can decide which of these is the craziest question (sorry, `all of the above' doesn't count).
Seriously, I know that we often over analyze these forms, because of the real possibility of CIC deeming something as incorrect.
Perhaps this gave you a bit of a chuckle.
I thank you for your indulgence.
Ok, so I am admittedly on the FCS `emotional roller coaster', or in my case...the Tilt-A-Whirl, and probably over thinking some of the questions that are before me, but...I suspect that some of you can relate to the vertigo. I can't seem to convince myself that my answers to the following are the answers that CIC needs to see. So, without further Adieu (I know, that spelling is debatable), here are my questions:
IMM0008E Rev 07-2013
Personal details, question 13:
...Date on which you entered into the common-law relationship.
I know!! That should be a no-brainer, right...but, I'm hung up on the words entered into, so I'm thinking the correct answer is the day we began sharing a residence, not the anniversary date of that `wonderful' day. If I'm wrong, I hope the boobie prize behind door #3 isn't a donkey...or a Ford Pinto (ok, now you know how old I am). LOL!
And...if you haven't laughed yet, you will now:
Last section on IMM0008 says "I, first name, last name______ ...", but I've been using my full name ( as it appears on my passport) throughout all forms. Should I ignore the `instruction' here and sign my full, complete name? Would that show blatant disregard to the instruction? LOL! (FYI, I don't recall signing my `complete' name in recent years, as my penmanship is trumped by most 5 year olds...only first, last name)
S/CL Questionnaire form:
Question 9:
(I answered yes to being in a previous marriage, so I need to complete the following)-
Provide the following details about your previous spouse or CL partner:
Address. ???
I have no idea. I think I know, but at the risk of providing false information to CIC, I'm uneasy about that.
Now, since the question is worded to say Provide the following details about your previous spouse or CL partner and does not say at time of marriage, I wonder if this still means the address at the time of marriage, which would be painfully obvious.
And the final question...again, on IMM0008
Question 2. Your full name written in your native language or script. this a trick question for those that have English as their native language?!?!
The question doesn't read Your full name written in your native language or script if other than English.
I'm inclined to just write my name in the box. LOL!
Now, you can decide which of these is the craziest question (sorry, `all of the above' doesn't count).
Seriously, I know that we often over analyze these forms, because of the real possibility of CIC deeming something as incorrect.
Perhaps this gave you a bit of a chuckle.
I thank you for your indulgence.