If you have never submitted an eAPR, and had it accepted as complete (passed the R10 completeness check), you have not applied before, and you should answer "no
hello Jes,
I have declined my invitation. I withdrawn my application and now trying to reapply. I am confused by the same question, and i also had to add one more think. I got rejected in 2015 FSw because WES did not recognise my diploma , but this year ICAS recognised that as 3 year diploma and I also completed two , i year courses in Canada. currently I am working as a visiting RPN and now I have 52 weeks of fulltime experinece and eligible for cec.
while doing new application it is asking that did i applied for Express entry. so in this case i applied for express entry and got my invitation. But did they mean that I submitted and rejected or even if i applied and got that number application number ? am bit confused . can you help me?