hello everyone,
i love this forum cs it helps us with precious information about canada, we are in process of the immigration (my husband and me and our little boy) we are in final step waiting for the visa now ;D
so about our subject title my brother is preparing his file to immigrate also to canada so he is trying to find a job offer if he can to make the process faster and he got this email to his inbox from a facebook page he joined related to canada jobs included an attachemnt word sheet to fill and send it back to same address so if anyone can help us to know if it is a fraud job application or what? i will copy & paste it. thank you :-*
From: "Canada Human Resources Manager" <canadahowardhumanresourcesmanager@mail.com>
Date: Nov 14, 2014 6:57 AM
Your Interest in working with our Hotel Reservation is highly Appreciated, the Hotel Management Board has schedule this recruitment to employed and empower people from different countries to serve best in their knowledge in Canada, the Hotel Management has work in line with Canada government to provide 1 – 2 years working visa for every applicant that is been hired.
Enclose to this message you find your attached Job Application form which you have to fill and affixed your signature, the Application Form must be return within 24 hours after received.
Note: Your contract can be extend to 4years or more than, after serving in your best for the first 1 – 2 years trial.
Thanks in Anticipation
Human Resources Manager
Lindsay Jeff
i love this forum cs it helps us with precious information about canada, we are in process of the immigration (my husband and me and our little boy) we are in final step waiting for the visa now ;D
so about our subject title my brother is preparing his file to immigrate also to canada so he is trying to find a job offer if he can to make the process faster and he got this email to his inbox from a facebook page he joined related to canada jobs included an attachemnt word sheet to fill and send it back to same address so if anyone can help us to know if it is a fraud job application or what? i will copy & paste it. thank you :-*
From: "Canada Human Resources Manager" <canadahowardhumanresourcesmanager@mail.com>
Date: Nov 14, 2014 6:57 AM
Your Interest in working with our Hotel Reservation is highly Appreciated, the Hotel Management Board has schedule this recruitment to employed and empower people from different countries to serve best in their knowledge in Canada, the Hotel Management has work in line with Canada government to provide 1 – 2 years working visa for every applicant that is been hired.
Enclose to this message you find your attached Job Application form which you have to fill and affixed your signature, the Application Form must be return within 24 hours after received.
Note: Your contract can be extend to 4years or more than, after serving in your best for the first 1 – 2 years trial.
Thanks in Anticipation
Human Resources Manager
Lindsay Jeff