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Is there anyone can that knows about common-law class sponsorship


Mar 19, 2010
Hurting with a broken heart

I am wanting information or anyone that has tried to apply for
common-law status through immigration. I also would like to
know all that you need to be able to apply for this. What the
qualifications are to apply for this.

I will briefly outline my problem, I been internet dating a man
from Morocco for 3 years now. We are both very much in love
with each other and have been through alot. He has asked me
to marry him, which I have said yes. We also have a age
difference I am older than him. We have so much documentation
to prove we are very much in love. We have sent each other
cards, gifts, texts, emails and have kept records of all this over
the years.

I own my home and am a single parent of 10 years. My x had
very limited access to his son and refuses to sign passport
papers for him to leave the country. I also look after my aging
father. To leave is so very hard for various reasons that it
would take 3 pages to explain what I have been through over
the last year and half.

Short of selling everything I have and moving to Morocco.
I have truly thought of that but then what do I do with my father
and what kind of education would my child have does concern
me and my fiancee very deeply.

Yes, life would be simpler if I did not have my son because I
would be living there now and not think twice nor would my
fiancee because I know he does not care where we live as
long as we are together, However my son is first and formost
to both of us. There is no one I could leave my son with for 2
months to go there and also somone to look after my house
and my animals for this length of time. I am not rich but get
by ok with what I do make.

Is there anyone that give information in how this process works,
is there anyone that has been approved to have there partner
brought to Canada.

My heart has hurt for years now, I know the laws are so very strict
with bring foreigners into the countries and it really is so unfair that
the ones that do love each other and want to be married, To only
live and have a normal and simple life and share the rest of my
life with a man who means the world to me.

I do not blame the goverment as many before us have ruined it
for the rest of us that really want to be married.

I am begging from the bottom of my heart and soul if there is
anyone out there that can help me to be with the man I love so
much would be for ever greatfull in my heart.

Thank you so much for listening


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
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Accra, Ghana
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To apply common law you have to have lived together for one year. You don't qualify. You might qualify as conjugal partners, because you have impediments to going to Morocco to see your boyfriend - your sick father. But getting approved as conjugal partners is very difficult.
Am I correct that you have never actually met your boyfriend, and have only communicated over the Internet and by phone? If so, seriously consider visiting him. Find a way - maybe you could both go to a second country where it would be easier for him to get a visa.
If you have never actually met him, your application won't be approved.


Mar 20, 2010
invite him for a 2 month visit , he will be allowed in for 6 months , on the 5th month apply to extend 3 months and 1 month before 3 month extend for 3 months and 1 month before apply for a 10 month extension indicating you are sponsoring him for permanent residence based on a common law relationship. When he comes to visit start living in a common law relationship, join bank accounts , develop a paper trail of a common law relationship (by a new bed together etc ) When apply and extending your visa , reason is to continue explore and tour canada with your long time boyfriend, and when he visiting for the whole year keep traveling to places in canada and take photos like montreal and quebec , ottawa etc

that initial visitor visa may be difficult you will need to provide all proofs of your internet relationship copies of emails, transcripts of internet chats. He will need to provide proof of employment in morocco and ties to morroco such is property ownership or if he rents then the lease, and ties to his family in morocco. It really would help if you visited him and travelled together.


Mar 19, 2010
Now I am really confused and thank you for you advise.
When he applies for vistor visa, if they know he is coming here to be with me, they will not grant him a visa as they will know he will not returning.
How hard is it to get vistor visa to come to Canada from Morocco. From what I have read it is very difficult We are willing to try anything. But if he owns no property and all his family live in same apartment building just different apartments, as that is the way it is there. Having transcripts of everything for the last 3 years is not a problem for us.
If I went to Morocco by now I would have married him and have tried to do this, but I have a child and father. To be honest it is hard to find someone to look after them for a month to leave here.
So how hard would it be to get a visa for him and what do I do to help him get it as yes he speaks broken English but understand written English so very well. But I know I will have to help him and explain the process with detail if you could as we have not seen anyone successfull in getting vistor's visa to Canada from Morocco.

Thank you so much


Hero Member
Apr 4, 2009
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it's not highly likely he'll get a visa if morroco is not a visa exempt country...

is your son your biggest barrier to you meeting him? do you have family/friends who can take care of him for a couple weeks to make a trip... it is not necessary for your children to meet your other half to be approved, but i'll agree, unless there is some sort of religious/cultural reason why you have not met yet, it will be VERY difficult to be approved... if you are indeed planning to get married, you should plan your trip and wedding together (unless you want to make 2 trips, which would make your case stronger)... there is no statue of limitation that says you must stay for 2 months (unless that is a moraccon requirement for marriage? in which case, maybe you can find a 3rd country you can meet and marry in)..

good luck


Mar 20, 2010
A visitor visa is not as hard as you think it is. The fee for applying ranges depending on the country but is around $75.00. That's not much of a risk and is worth the try in your situation .

He will need to be smart in following your instructions.

Bottom line is the immigration officer needs to be convinced of 2 main things.

1. He has enough money to afford the duration of his stay . If he has money in his bank account a bank statement would help. But if he has no money in his bank account, then your invitation letter is going to be key, it must state you will look after all his expenses and attaching to that letter proof should be provided. Attaching your last 4 paystubs and our last notice of assessment(black out your SIN number) A copy of your last utility bill, gas or electric to prove you own your home where he will be staying thats if you own a home.

2.That he has every motive to return to his home country after his trip. Just because you have an initimate online relationship doesnt mean you are going to marry him and he will not return. You can very well declare that you have been chatting online and that you like each other etc. That will give a solid reason for the visit . The embassy is concerned about people who invite strangers over in return for money so that the stranger can flee once arrived and work illegally. They are also concerned people wanting to come here for all the wrong reasons. Coming to visit a gf is a good reason. Touring the country with your gf is a good reason. In order for him to prove he will return home there are 2 key things he needs to prove, that he has a full time job to return to, and that he has ties to his country such as family or owning a business. He should provide his last 4 paystubs, and a letter from his employer stating how long he has been employed there , his position how much he makes. He should also provide proof of his family ties. He should provide photos of family members (labeling the photos ) .

It could take me all day to explain what you need to do.

The immigration canada website explains everything that is needed and for each country.
Follow the guide on that website to a tee. DO not miss one thing,

An immigration consultant once advised me provide as much as you can to prove your genuine relationship , to prove you can support him when he arrives and to prove he has every intention to go back.

Him providing a copy of a 2 way air ticket is essential . If you think this too much of a risk to book before applying for the visa. Then 2 days before he goes to the embassy get a travel agent online or on phone to do a 48 hour hold and email that itinerary to you and then email it to him to print up and show the embassy he has reserved a 2 way flight.

Make some plans for when he comes like maybe going to some resort or hotel , make some reservations , print hem up and send to him , maybe like a trip to quebec city , so he can tell the embassy this is what he has in his plans. Your invitation letter should be detailed to explain what you will be doing for the 2 month , list off the cities you will be visiting together.

I still strongly recommend you find a way to visit him even if its for 4 days at a time. Because if you have not met him in person then you really don't know him well enough and this will be a concern to the immigration officer. I understand your family situation but if you could find someone to watch your child for even 4 days its worthwhile for you to visit him and make several of these types of visits throughout the years.

Be careful about marrying him too quickly without knowing each other, even if you get married the permanent residence may be denied if the officer thinks its a marriage of convenience (marrying to stay in the country). You really should build a relationship and keep evidence of it such as travel together, meeting each others families , participating in family functions together.

There is a lot of info i could tell you but it would take me forever to explain here.

the immigration canada website explains what you have to do

another site called immihelp mainly geered towards the USA has sample interview questions for a visitor visa and you should email al those questions to him to be prepared to answer those questions at the interview if they require one. Immihelp also gives a lot of good advice.

I agree though your better off to goto morroco and eventually marry him down there. There must be a way you can find a way to get down there. have you seeked legal advice about getting your child a passport without the fathers ok?


Mar 20, 2010
The chances are very good at getting a visitor visa from a country that is not exempt. I know many people who have brought their foreign girlfriends over for a visit from a non visa exempt country including myself . If the person has a legitimate reason to visit and he has ties to go back home then it will get approved. IF he is denied consider it as the Canadian Embassy having done you a favor as they have screened him and have concerns over his intentions.


Mar 19, 2010
Thank you for all this information, it is so much to learn and read. I have known this man for 3 years now and would love your him to be here and spend time with him with my son and father. I do not havie a problem with supplying this information to immigration. I do own my own home and can prove all of things that are require as you mentioned in your note. That is great idea to reserve an airflight for 48 hours prior to him going to the embassy.

The previous note from other person claims that he will not be approved special if he is from Morocco. From what I have read on other posts that there is no way that he would be approved but you give me some light on this. I also know a couple that has received an visa to visit our country for 6 months. He has been here for 2 years now on extensions. However he was from United States which is much easier to get a visa and visit Canada.

Can I do most of the paper work from here and send it to him so that it is all correct. I know he will have to go for medical and police check and I know there will be no problem with that. Even if he was here for 6 months and things all work out wonderful by then I will have gone through family courts and be able to visa for my son to leave the country with me. Then I could still marry in Morocco with his family. As I have been married before and I personal do not care if got married by the justice of the peace. But I know he would love to have his family and marry the proper way.

I have no problems making reservation here in Canada and I live in British Columbia and have many places to visit. Even places that him and I have talked about going to if we ever had the chance.

What country did you sponor from if you do not mind me asking. If you want to send in my private inbox that is fine too. Just being able to share some time together here which would be much easier at this point in my life. I could write 3 pages already in hazzles that I have had to leave the country. To very briefly outline some when I bought my home. I even had to go to court to move back to my home City to care for my parents. I did not even know if I could even move into a home I had bought several months earlier. My x prevented ,e and my son from moving due to my x haulting it with court orders. However I did win and was able to move here. My x does not have custody of my son. Just to give you a bried outline of my situation. My mother was also killed 10 weeks after I had finally moved here. To leave the country only has caused court haults.

I had no intentions of falling in love with a man from oversea and was not even looking for anything when I met him by fluke. I never met him on no dating site like most. I am also a homestay family for foreign student from many different countries. Where I have traveled alot of Province to show these wonderful people our beautiful Country.

I just want the opportunity to have this time with him in my own country as it is so much simpler for me due to many reasons. My father is unable to care fo my son and I wsh he could because I know he would do it if he could. I wish my mother was still alive because then I know I would not be writing on this website and would have met him already. But as we all know we cannot change our past but only change our futures.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your words and I just want to know that is possible to have him come. Paying the 75.00 to try is nothing compared to how my heart feels at this time. Thank you so very much.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Hello Abrokenheart,

While I was reading your letter, I couldn't suppress a cry.

I was so hurt that things like this can't be provided as special cases.

I, too is having difficulty of going to Canada. But unlike you, I had met my fiancee twice and we'd traveled together and spent the whole time while he was here in my country Philippines.

We both have previous marriages.
Him with a latina, same country where he'd been, and me with an American.

While my fiance and I haven't met yet, I tried to annul my marriage but my country judges denied the case stating that the grounds are not enough. My estranged husband has been away for 10 years now.

I had filed the annulment when I was abandoned for 6 years total. Now that was 4 years ago so it's already 10.

I was hoping that I can still get a divorce once I landed to Canada after a year.

I can feel your sincerity when you said that you have all the correspondence to show that you really are together for three years.

And the only thing that's stopping you from going there is your son and your dad.

I always pray hard for my visa to come.

I was thinking that my case is the hardest of all but reading your post I really felt sorry for you.

I miss my "husband" so much. I wish we could be together real soon. It's very hard to be away from each other.

Ialso hope and pray that you can think of something that would get you out of that mess. And then finally you can be with the love of your life.

Cheer up...God is good and He'll help us all...


Mar 19, 2010
common-law class sponsorship


I truly wish you all the best and hope you can be with the man you love too. Sometime things just does not seem fair at the time and things just do not work out the way we wish them to be. But it will not stop me from being with my love.

I will find a way for us to be together some way some how. Yes, I have some road block but they will all be worth it, if I can be with him. I know how much he loves me and some might question this because it just being on the internet. I feel you get to know a person so much better by talking with them everyday we celebrate our birthday's online and sending each other gifts. He has spoiled me rotten and really has helped me in many way beside the internet. I have met his family and they very nice people and his one siter from France.

I am so sorry about your divorce and I can relate to that one too because it took me 4 years to get mine except mine refuse to divorce me that is all. He just likes to take me to court to stop me from living.

I hope you can get yoru visa and your divorce and be with your husband. Why is your visa taking so long to go there.

God bless you and do pray that one day you will be happy.


Full Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Hello there again Abrokenheart,

I'm glad that you answered by note.
Just awhile ago I read a fellow citizen that got her visa last 20th of March.

Her passport was sent November. I sent mine last December so I hope I'll be getting my passport with visa stamped on it real soon.

I hope I can meet you in Canada when I get there. I want to be your friend. I know how you need one right now. To share your thoughts and heartaches.With all these sorrow shadowing your life waiting for your man to be there with you. Maybe if that happened that I get there and see you I can take care of your family and you be in Morocco to see him.

(If only that can happen, I'm willing to be your nanny ... for free....... :)

Anyway...I hope that you continue to fight for your love...I know that you're doing that right now.

I just hope that you can have all the strength that you need to survive.

I'll be celebrating my birthday this saturday, my husband told me that he didn't bother to send me cards because both of us were thinking that I'll be celebrating it with him.... but unfortunately I'm still here waiting for my visa to arrive.

I told him that cards are just emblems of communication....

And those are not needed to prove that he loves me...

I know for a fact that our love's more than just cards...

there's more to it than those papers... and we both know how much we love each other...

Just like you and your man...

Hope everything's going to be fine....soon
