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Is secondary school certificate necessary


Hero Member
Dec 3, 2007
Middle East
hi everyone
Plz read below , tht s stated at www.canada.org.uk

For you and your spouse or common-law partner:
· Post-secondary education documents: vocational, technical certificates, degrees and/ or college or university diplomas:
include marksheets or transcripts
· Professional qualifications certificates: notarized professional qualification certificates should be submitted if available

Wht i understand from this text s tht only Post secondary docs ll be needed to claim education points .Actually my husband who s the principal applicant has his name a little changed from his name on other certificates , his name can be changed but it ll need a lot of time n effort, so i want to confirm it tht whether Secondary school certificate s required or not, as if it s not required we shd not waste time on changing name on it. I ll be pleased to know the opinion of the ones who ve already gone thru the process of submitting their docs to CIC.
thanks in advance.Plz rectify me if i m wrong in my assumption.


Star Member
Aug 3, 2007
How do your mean "name is little changed" ?
Is it the Sir name, first name or middle name ?

With the simplified application, do you need to enclose in your certificates ? Have submitted your application yet ?

You will need to send all certificates right from your first years of schooling right up to your final years of education, when requested for.



Hero Member
Dec 3, 2007
Middle East
well thanks for the opinions but i m sorry to say tht both r contradictory to each other. i hope any decisive opinion by any other member who has successfully submitted his docs n got his visa could resolve the issue. although i m convinced with thaiguy still i find it necessary to clearify once again.
well abt Mike s question actually the certificate contain my husband s correct name but it does not contain his family name , also his father s name s also correct but tht also does not contain his family name whereas all other certificates contain his n his fathers name with the family name. so thts the slight difference but in order to avoid the slightest confusion we want to clearify this thing .secondly we ve applied to London office but thru SAP so no docs were submitted with the application. i ll be grateful if my above question could be answered again.


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
I'm just going by what the instructions say, newcomer. When I submitted my application, I sent them a copy of my high school diploma, but that's just because I like to do too much rather than not enough.

As to the differences in name, it really comes down to what the differences are. If they're significant in that they could be a different person, perhaps you should have them corrected. If they're minor, I wouldn't worry about it. For instance, if the difference is between a nickname and a full name (Jonathan vs. Jon), then don't worry about it. Same case if a middle initial is missing. But if the family name is altered, I think you'll have to have it corrected.


Hero Member
Dec 3, 2007
Middle East
thanks very much thaiguy for ur prompt reply. i agree with u also i think tht the name shd be rectified plus secondary school certificate shd be submitted as prove the no of years attended by one. And for one more question i ve to bother u s the website says tht we do not ve to submit original docs so DO we ve to submit photocopies of the original documents n Shd the photocopies be attested by the concerned authorities or the original documents shd be attested n then r photocopied , wht did u do for ur case. any other opinion ll be also appreciated.Thanks again for ur valuable advices.


Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
Concerning educational documents, I submitted all copies to Buffalo and they accepted them. But you should do whatever your instructions say.

The work references were originals, as was my 'statement of English language ability.'

If you need to have something notarized, you have it done after you make the copy. The notary is certifying that the copy is identical to the original, so the copy is what needs to be notarized.

The only documents I had notarized were my birth certificate and the first page of my passport.


Hero Member
Dec 3, 2007
Middle East
thanks again thaiguy, u ve been very supportive n informative for everyone here. i would also like to hear something on this topic from any LONDON applicant as priorities may be different for a specific office so i would like to know tht whether Educational docs need to be attested/notarized or the copies shd be attested/notarized for submission.secondly London Office website says tht we shd aubmit original docs only for PCC n language test results as u can see it under:

Please send photocopies of all your
documents. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS. The only original documents you should submit are the police certificates and, if
applicable, language test results.
All documents must be provided with a translation into either French or English.
Please submit only ONE copy of all documents BY MAIL ONLY.

Secondly i would like to ask specifically LONDON applicants tht if there r any other docs ( or their Photocopies) other than educational docs ,tht r needed to be notarized. waiting for any response.


Star Member
Aug 3, 2007
You must make copies of ALL your educational certificates and transcripts and have them notarized.
The same goes for all COPIES of documents, including your passport copies.
You PCC, IELTS & Bank Statements don't have to be copied or notarized because they are original documents and case specific.

You don't have to worry about which visa office you are applying to, the rule applies to all applicants all over the world.

Have a nice day !



Champion Member
Apr 7, 2007
mikelingen said:
You must make copies of ALL your educational certificates and transcripts and have them notarized.
The same goes for all COPIES of documents, including your passport copies.
You PCC, IELTS & Bank Statements don't have to be copied or notarized because they are original documents and case specific.

You don't have to worry about which visa office you are applying to, the rule applies to all applicants all over the world.
That's not true, Mike. I notarized very few documents. I never notarized bank statements, educational records or transcripts.

When in doubt, read the instructions for the visa office to which you're applying.


Star Member
Aug 3, 2007

Never said you had to notarize bank statements, the fact that these doc's are in original (or copies of your passbook stamped by the bank) does not necessitate a notarization.

I personally had all my school, high school, college transcripts along with my Degree (BCom) notarized, before I submitted them to CIC, Singapore. You may choose not to, the decision is yours. But my impression is that if you give your visa office irrefutable evidence of your education, work experience etc., The chances of your interview being waived is "very high". My interview was waived. And both CIC and myself was saved a lot of time and inconvenience.
