@maherd and enfield=-=-=-
me tooo want to change course ,...tell me can i change without telling cic...as my course is pG diploma now..but i want to shift to UG diploma .....
on CIC website it is mentioned ..u need to notify wen you switch from primary to secondary or to post secondary and vice versa,,,,
As both UG and PG comes under category of Post secondary .....
i think it is the same level....so do i need to notify CIC about changing course(i think not)
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply
me tooo want to change course ,...tell me can i change without telling cic...as my course is pG diploma now..but i want to shift to UG diploma .....
on CIC website it is mentioned ..u need to notify wen you switch from primary to secondary or to post secondary and vice versa,,,,
As both UG and PG comes under category of Post secondary .....
i think it is the same level....so do i need to notify CIC about changing course(i think not)
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply