starting from jan 2014 it is compulsory for both SPP and general categoriescharanjitSingh said:IS GIC MANDATORY??????????????????????
If you're applying under SPP, GIC is mandatory. If not, account statement and balance will work for General category.charanjitSingh said:so if i am taking admission starting bathch in january will i have to submitt the amount in GIc or will the account stemant and balance will work
or is it applicablw january onward if i have applid and get visa before january is it also mandatory in that case?
please post the official link where it says that........dont spread rumorsnileshkaka said:starting from jan 2014 it is compulsory for both SPP and general categories
My bad. It isn't official yet. I heard from two agencies that these changes will be implemented soon for General Category starting Jan 2014.mead said:please post the official link where it says that........dont spread rumors
For SPP , GIC is the only way to show funds. Also, there is nothing like general category receives high amount of rejections. From what I've seen SPP also get a huge amount of rejections nowadays. Agencies fool students by saying that in SPP chances of visa refusal are almost nil but don't trust them. GIC is a much safer way of showing your funds. Let it be either SPP or General GO FOR GIC.charanjitSingh said:HI nileshkaka/and other senior members...
i am applying in a SPP college is there any way that i can take a loan and show the acoount balance statement to the counslate?
some body told me that even if we are appying for any spp college the GIC is not manadatory
and please tell is there a chance of getting visa under general catagory as i heared genral catagory receives huge amount of rejections???
i have done machanics in air conditioning and refregeration
done BBA in hotel and tourism management
have three years of experience in hospitality and tourism feild
scored 7.0 bands in IELTS
have applied for PG in business and tourim management fROM SELKIRK COLLEGE bc what are the chances that i can get visa
i have already applied for the same four days back for the january intake is there a chance that i can get addmission for january intake?