I am posting this to update everyone on the latest AOR from IQAS regarding my case, so that you can have a general idea how the things are moving at IQAS:-
My Documents were delivered on 02 Aug 2017
Acknowledgement of Receipt Email from IQAS : 25 Aug 2017 (After 17 Business Days)
Also it is important to note that IQAS acknowledged
receipt of my documents and the acknowledgment of my
Academic Documents in one Email. That is probably because I dispatched the envelope from the university and my envelope together in one package.
Another friend also got AOR from IQAS on the same day i-e 25 Aug 2017. So they are still moving as per their promised timelines as far these two cases are concerned.
I recommend all those in the process to add your info on the following tracker page. You will also be able to see the progress of others on the same page
So, worry not and keep your spirits high everyone

If this info has helped you in anyway please hit like on this post.