Hi there
So I have been googling this topic for a few hours now and failed to see some definitive answers so I thought that I should pose this question in case others have similar concerns.
I attended undergraduate in the U.S. and I did a 10-week summer internship that led to my current job. It was paid, full-time, and same NOC. I have more than 2 years of continuous employment in the same NOC after that. My question is if the ten weeks could count towards my work experience under FSW. The WE defintion says that it must be more than 1 year full-time but i take that is the minimum qualifying factor for FSW.
Please only answer if you know for sure and have reference that supports the conclusion. Thanks so much for your help!
So I have been googling this topic for a few hours now and failed to see some definitive answers so I thought that I should pose this question in case others have similar concerns.
I attended undergraduate in the U.S. and I did a 10-week summer internship that led to my current job. It was paid, full-time, and same NOC. I have more than 2 years of continuous employment in the same NOC after that. My question is if the ten weeks could count towards my work experience under FSW. The WE defintion says that it must be more than 1 year full-time but i take that is the minimum qualifying factor for FSW.
Please only answer if you know for sure and have reference that supports the conclusion. Thanks so much for your help!