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Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Job Offer........
Okay so I've been having a read on numerous forums about the IEC and the processing times, my current timeline is

Acknowledgement of receipt; 9th May
Conditional acceptance; 9th May
Receipt of proof of payment; 11th May
First Evaluation Phase completed & Sent to London; 12th May

Everything so far seems to be going quickly :D , however I'm quite concerned after reading up on peoples discussion forms about Criminal Records!

I don't have a Criminal Record (not been convicted/charged with anything) HOWEVER I have been arrested and given a reprimand at the age of 14 (was still at school) and on my ACPO police certificate it says NO LIVE TRACE as it was only the one occasion I had a run in the police and its been ''stepped down'' after 6 years.

will this affect my IEC application? Will they look into it? Will i get refused?


Any feedback will be appreciated! :)


May 15, 2011
I wouldn't get too worried if I were you. As part of the IEC programme they do a background check on you. It's the form you have to give to the gards to check out. If the gards gave you back a letter saying you were clear of a record, I doubt you would have problems, but im not an expert so dont fully trust what i'm saying :)


Nov 6, 2010
Hi :D

My application was forwarded over to the Embassy in London on May 17th.... today i received an email from them asking me for information of my 'NO LIVE TRACE'... it says this because I got a caution in 2002 for being stupid and I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what I need to do - It says on the email that I need to provide a 'Memorandum of Conviction' I didnt get anything at the time, it was all dealt with in house at the local police station. I have googled Memorandum of Conviction and it only says how to get one not what it actually is! I know that No Live Trace is a good thing as it means my conviction is spent, but what info do I need to provide to the Embassy?

Can anyone help please??????
Ta all and good luck with any apps going through!! :eek: :eek:


Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Job Offer........

HI! :)

i see you was in the same postition as me! i was given a caution back in 2004 of which i was 14 and my record said 'NO LIVE TRACE' - i received a phonecall from the London Embassy on the 9th of june asking me about the caution and what happened, how it got dealt with so i told them what happened but de-scaled it and made it sound less serious (it was for assault in school). Im not too sure Memorandum of Conviction means, but id advise that you just give them a written statement of what happened and explain it, i was sure to tell them that since 2004 i havn't had any 'run ins' with the police and basically ive kept my nose clean since so make sure you highlight that in your statement. No live trace basically means that something is recorded on your file and it has been spent so to speak and your not under any other trouble in that respect, so i wouldn't worry about it too much!

my timeline was ;

Acknowledgement of receipt ; 9th May
Conditional acceptance ; 9th May
Receipt of proof of payment ; 11th May
First Evaluation Phase Completed and sent to London ; 12th May
LOI received ; 13th June

im flying out in 9 days so im super excited but also a bit scared haha! its a big step! :D
I hope you get yours soon and im sure you will, i havnt heard many people being rejected so id just wait it out and be patience!


Nov 6, 2010
hey! thank you for your reply! kida put my mind at ease i think!!
i sent off a letter to them, explained that it happened so long ago now and that iv not done anything wrong since then or even before... blah blah blah! i reeeeeeeaaaaally hope it goes through!!!

i bet you cant wait!! where abouts are you planning on going? im thinking Toronto if i get in!! - good luck wherever you end up!!

pray for me!!



Full Member
Jan 19, 2011
Job Offer........
ah you will be fine! :)

im heading to Calgary, my mum and step dad live out there so going to live with them until i can get on my own feet again ! but then we're moving out to new brunswick later on in the year i think :)

good luck!