- Nov 30, 2014
- 2
- Category........
- Visa Office......
- CPC-Ottawa
- Job Offer........
- Pre-Assessed..
- App. Filed.......
- 31/03/2015
- Doc's Request.
- 17/09/2015
- AOR Received.
- In Process 22/09/2015
- Med's Done....
- 19/01/2015
- 01-11-2015 DM/ 23/11/2015 COPR
- LANDED..........
- 27/11/2015
Hi I am wondering if anyone else became a permanent resident and required an international health plan due to not meeting OHIP residency requirements and not wanting to have to get travel insurance every week. I will still work in the U.S. 10-12 days out of the month and feel overwhelmed with all of the garbage about health insurance on line. I do not think I will ever meet the requirement for OHIP which really concerns me.