Hi everyone, my common-law partner and I submitted our application June of 2021. We got the following message yesterday:
'Proof of Cohabitation for Common-Law Partner: You did not provide sufficient evidence
of cohabitation. Please provide additional evidence of cohabitation that could be used to confirm
whether a sponsored spouse or partner has been continuously cohabiting with their sponsor for at
least 1 year prior to the receipt of the application (2021/06/01). These may include: Joint bank
accounts or credit cards indicating both you and your sponsor's names, Jointly signed ownership of
residential property, Jointly signed residential leases, Jointly signed mortgage or purchase agreement,
insurance and/or beneficiary forms, Joint utilities accounts (electricity, gas, telephone), Important
documents of both parties showing the same address (i.e identification documents, driver’s licenses,
and insurance policies).'
Our circumstances mean we are missing a few of these, but I'll list briefly what we gave:
-1 joint bank account
-1 jointly owned vehicle
-2 car insurance policies, joint
-1 joint utility account (phone)
-driver's licenses and several other individually-held accounts showing same address
We currently live at my parent's place, so we have no ownership of property or lease. All utilities are in their name, but I have been paying them (electricity, property tax, etc.) I could prove I'm paying them by showing my bank account number on the receipts.
So, how should we handle this situation?
It seems to me that I should get affidavits from my parents explicitly stating the dates that we lived here. Maybe my neighbors as well? My parents don't currently live in the country so I would need to arrange an affidavit online. Does anyone know of an accepted affidavit format for IRCC and where would be a trustworthy site to do this?
I'm not sure there's much else that I could do to show this. The only other document I didn't previously include that could work would be our PO Box in town, which would show my partner as an authorised user, though not a joint account.
Sorry for the wall of text and thanks in advance for any help you can give.
'Proof of Cohabitation for Common-Law Partner: You did not provide sufficient evidence
of cohabitation. Please provide additional evidence of cohabitation that could be used to confirm
whether a sponsored spouse or partner has been continuously cohabiting with their sponsor for at
least 1 year prior to the receipt of the application (2021/06/01). These may include: Joint bank
accounts or credit cards indicating both you and your sponsor's names, Jointly signed ownership of
residential property, Jointly signed residential leases, Jointly signed mortgage or purchase agreement,
insurance and/or beneficiary forms, Joint utilities accounts (electricity, gas, telephone), Important
documents of both parties showing the same address (i.e identification documents, driver’s licenses,
and insurance policies).'
Our circumstances mean we are missing a few of these, but I'll list briefly what we gave:
-1 joint bank account
-1 jointly owned vehicle
-2 car insurance policies, joint
-1 joint utility account (phone)
-driver's licenses and several other individually-held accounts showing same address
We currently live at my parent's place, so we have no ownership of property or lease. All utilities are in their name, but I have been paying them (electricity, property tax, etc.) I could prove I'm paying them by showing my bank account number on the receipts.
So, how should we handle this situation?
It seems to me that I should get affidavits from my parents explicitly stating the dates that we lived here. Maybe my neighbors as well? My parents don't currently live in the country so I would need to arrange an affidavit online. Does anyone know of an accepted affidavit format for IRCC and where would be a trustworthy site to do this?
I'm not sure there's much else that I could do to show this. The only other document I didn't previously include that could work would be our PO Box in town, which would show my partner as an authorised user, though not a joint account.
Sorry for the wall of text and thanks in advance for any help you can give.