Also before i forget .. Meant to ask, Is there anyone who has been denied entry back into Canada whilst their spousal Inland application was being processed??.
The reason am asking is we are intending to travel In a weeks time. .. Hubby is Canadian.. Kids are Canadian. I KNOW about chances of not being let back in the country. I have a multiple entry three year canadian visa that is still valid.. . I am also a permanent resident of a country that is the 3rd richest country in the world. Actually i wdd have a better quality of life there than in canada and it has a minimum wage of 19 bucks an hr. etc etc. if it was not for my husbands desire to start a business here i wd have opted to stay there. .
I have recently travelled to the U.S. Three times actually AFTER i have put in my appliucation for perm. residence Every single persn i have spoken to has instilled the fear of God in me about not being letting back in etc etc.. I feel like every case is different and I also personally feel like i have a pretty airtight case. My kids just got their canadian citizenship certificates about 3 months ago and they are pretty young. and we have never been separated. ALSO..... We are all travelling together as a family unit under one name as thats how its just always been. hubby and i have been married for 9 years .Soulmates still in love the whole nine yards etc etc
I have nightmares now of being at the airport and the immigration officer separates us :O or says i cant be let back in .. It would truly and deeply devastate me and my kids would scream at the airport.. i mean that is if i am refused entry back in. My kids are 5 and 6 and am usually the one carrying them or one of them ..or both. YES sometimes they wanna be carried on my hip!. they get along better with me than my hubby..
And after all this i still choosen to take the chance??. because i have done it before and pretty recent at that. as recent as April three or four times this year without much drama. it was easy as pie getting back in.. mainly also because i have a multiple entry visa back to canada and i have been brutally honest with the officers. at the border (which i strongly suggest) because they know your case anyway i think and you may catch yourself in your own lies
Sooo.. basically if there is anyone uout there who have been denied re-entry even with a valid visa i would love to hear from you what happene after that etc etc...
Thanks for listening to my rants about this issue