I just wanted to introduce myself, i have been "lurking". for a while and i just wanted to encourage all of you that i have been very consoled by reading all your stories, triumphs etc. I put in my application with an OWP in january , they started processing my application as in the ecas website on the 30th of March. I have not heard anything since. For m , My husband is Canadian. My kids are also canadian through the first generation rule that they implemented. So them they got their citizenship certificates in 2 months!.
This has been a very very frustrating wait for me and i am losing my patience!. to stay somewhat sane i come here and feel encouraged that i am not alone. . I have cried many tears of frustration. i dont even go to the CIC website anymore because it has been saying "In process". for the longest while!.. I cant drive, i cant work, im broke!. my hubby has kind of a job. that we brely survive on. this is definitely a trying time for me and my fmily. We also have young kids, i need to work ASAP or i will totally lose my mind. without me driving, i cant drop the kids anywhere!. i live on vancouver island so everyone has a car. its the only way to get anywhere. My husband cannNOT afford to stay home and chauffeur us back and forth because he takes any job that comes his way..
i am told i cannot even leave the country to go to my country to freely work incase my application is revoked!. Can life be any worse??. I had a drivers licence from my country that i can only drive on for 90 days here in BC. Do these people consider anyone who has a family? sometimes i wonder, My children are canadian, im their mother, i NEEED to be sane and not pulling out my hair everyday in order to be a functional family.
We came to canada in November 2009, i put in my application in january, 2010 they started prcessing in March 31st,
Okay this is what is weird, i went to the states a few times and came back while my application was "in process'. the IO at the border were very very sweet!, I was 100% honest with thm. i even voiced my frustration, the last time i crossed over was in April, I didnt know my case number yet, They called me in the office and gave me everything!. My case number, and told me how far my process had reached, they told me my OWP has started being processed, they were very nice to me and wished us luck. and that is how i go mycase number, on a "post-it" yellow note its tucked away "safely in my purse.
sorry if im babbling. but this forum has brought me alot of joy in reading all your stories, i decided to share mines