Janadian said:
Hey kiwikris,
How was the weekend? A FB INLANDERS page is a great idea

I'm just staring to get into the Christmas spirit. We will probaly go pick out a Christmas tree this weekend. Then we will get this Christmas thing rolling. I'm not a big fan of crouded malls so I'll wanna get the present part done ASAP. Any big plans?
Hi Janadian!
Any ideas on what we should call our page? Inlanders! Soon to be Canadian 2010 hehehe
I worked all weekend so pretty quiet, and still trying to send gifts back home for Christmas! We are running around a little late this year but we have a good excuse as we have just moved.

How was your weekend? Ohhh are you getting a real tree? We are and we will go out this weekend as well to pick one! Can't wait, we have always had a real Christmas tree.

No big plans, will be calling home our Christmas eve as it will be Christmas in NZ then, and there is only a few family members here. I am used to big family get togethers with lots of kids around, so will definitely be a quiet one compared to that! Also I am used to having a summer Christmas so I am loving the snow

Have you many plans for the big day? Hope you managed to get your shopping done today. I'm not even attempting to go anywhere downtown....I'm not that crazy lol