I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm new and I want to test my understanding for the specific circumstances that interest me. I would appreciate any and all advice about my plan, outlined below. (Apparently, I can't post links, even to threads in this forum. :
I have put in just the last part of the URL for the threads I'm referencing -- you can see them by prepending the obvious boilerplate prefix.)
I am a Canadian citizen residing in Canada. My (recently married) wife is a Serbian citizen residing in UAE. She is pregnant, expecting our first child in October. We are trying to decide how best to proceed with our unification.
Based on the thread leaving-canada-while-waiting-for-permanent-residence-any-chance-t126247.0.html, we believe it's best to apply in Serbia. That would likely reduce the overall processing time and provide greater flexibility in where she can be at any moment. However, we would also like to be together soon, so we plan on her coming to Canada as a temporary resident after applying outland, as described in question-can-my-spouse-visitstay-in-canada-while-her-pr-app-is-in-process-t154348.0.html.
What bothers me is the potential mismatch between her temporary-resident status and the immigration application processing time. I understand that the temporary status may be extended, but how easily and for how long? Will we inevitably face the moment when she'll have to leave and wait out the application processing outside Canada? And if so, wouldn't it be better to apply inland?
I make enough money so that she wouldn't have to work, though I'm not sure how much it will cost to provide health coverage for her before she becomes a permanent resident and then until the provincial coverage kicks in.
Any words of advice? I really do appreciate it.
I am a Canadian citizen residing in Canada. My (recently married) wife is a Serbian citizen residing in UAE. She is pregnant, expecting our first child in October. We are trying to decide how best to proceed with our unification.
Based on the thread leaving-canada-while-waiting-for-permanent-residence-any-chance-t126247.0.html, we believe it's best to apply in Serbia. That would likely reduce the overall processing time and provide greater flexibility in where she can be at any moment. However, we would also like to be together soon, so we plan on her coming to Canada as a temporary resident after applying outland, as described in question-can-my-spouse-visitstay-in-canada-while-her-pr-app-is-in-process-t154348.0.html.
What bothers me is the potential mismatch between her temporary-resident status and the immigration application processing time. I understand that the temporary status may be extended, but how easily and for how long? Will we inevitably face the moment when she'll have to leave and wait out the application processing outside Canada? And if so, wouldn't it be better to apply inland?
I make enough money so that she wouldn't have to work, though I'm not sure how much it will cost to provide health coverage for her before she becomes a permanent resident and then until the provincial coverage kicks in.
Any words of advice? I really do appreciate it.