Hi there,
I have some good news to everybody and a question for Screech too..

Finally CIC is moving now. My accompanying dependent received a document request yesterday through mail. They are asking her to re-do her medical and there was something on the letter that confused me a lot where I need Screech to enlighten me. They also requesting us to submit some forms which we already did and submitted along with our application.
To Screech, would you mind if I send you the letter on your inbox and pls tell me if I really need to send it again to them. Thank you in advance!
Congrats,Kabayan! I hope Manila will forward the info that CIC has been waiting to receive. On my end,I called CIC yesterday and the agent was useless.. she said they are still working on my background/security checks and waiting for Manila to forward the info with regards to my non-accompanying dependent. I am just confused bcoz my MP contacted CIC and Manila twice but CIC never mentioned that they are not done with my beackground/securtiy checks yet. They are only waiting for Manila.. I dont know if who was telling the truth now. I am tired of waiting and the worst is if couldnt get my pr before march 2014,I'll miss my daughter's graduation.she has been looking forward to it since we havent seen each other for almost 5 years now.