Line.a said:
We sent in our inland application in early February and I do believe we already received AOR (which is the first reply from CIC, right?)
I am unsure about the genuine of our relationship, as pretty much all of our computer based proof got deleted when my laptop crashed. All we pretty much included was a declaration of our common law union, him being joined to my bank account two 6 month leases of our condo, about 70 pictures of us together while travelling around, stamps of his and mine visiting each other and statements from his side of the family, as my parents decided against it as they think I made a stupid decision.
No proof of bills or joint purchases of household items or airline tickets as I didn't think we'd need them until it was too late.
Would this be considered enough proof? and if not - will there be a greater chance of us being called in for an interview or can we send additional proof?
I apologise for this essay, it'd be really nice to put my mind to ease as I keep driving myself insane thinking I left something out.
- Line
Hi Line
Just send everything you can think of or have on-hand that you can submit. There is nothing as "too much" for them, but at the same time, if that is really all you have, then it is fine as well. If the relationship is genuine, those officers are trained and experienced enough to tell from all the proofs you sent. When I was sponsoring and help my wife to work on her inland app, I was very nervous about if I sent enough info or not to proof our relationship. In the end, I just submit anything I can think of. Basically I submitted like 500 pics of us on our trips, family gathering, friends' parties, etc. We even submit our email conversion, msn chat logs, and even our "arguments" (even in genuine marriage, you argue, its human nature, so I guess the officer liked that bit of info we submitted). I have also provided original receipts of airline tickets, hotel bookings, gifts we bought for each other. The dates on those receipt are relatively close, or on the date of special events that we talk about in our application (ie. our birthday, our anniversary, etc). I submitted additional info like our joint bank account, proof that my wife is the beneficiary of all types of insurance I have, etc. In general, I even submitted the most unnecessary stuff including wedding invitations that is written to me and my wife jointly, wedding cards that our family and friends given to us on our wedding.
I hope some of the stuff I mentioned could be helpful to you that might ring a bell on something you forgot that you can include with your app.
Also, it is never too late to submit more info to your app after you already submitted. As long as you have your UCI#, you can add a note saying you found additional info that might be helpful to the application and explain to them which form, question these info corresponds with should be good.
Good luck