I am already went bonkers. Can't work, cannot volunteer.
SO, i went to the library and pick out books on topics that i don't know or always want to know about.
well you can play games, watch sunrise, sunset, watch the big fat canary birds hopping around, go for a run, explore the area around your place, experiment cooking other types of dishes, bake something, paint/draw something if you into arts, write something, a blog to vent your frustration, anxiety or maybe a good guide for people like us, or watch youtube( they have some interesting how-to-do videos), facebooking (get in touch with your friends), talk to neighbours, have a garden, rent a bicycle/skates, learn a new skill eg how to fix leaking tap, learn to sew, go to the gym, upload your videos of your cute pets/children dancing or singing famous songs into youtube and who knows it might get viral and you will become famous, etc
see how bonkers i can get? ;D
Because it's a long wait. Do some things that keep your mind off this thing.
btw i log into my ecas, it just said "application received".
what is the next stage? :