Jurjen said:
LY: I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I so understand how hard it is to not be able to go over there. I had to miss my grandfather's funeral last summer.

How did it ever work out getting your mother on Skype. I suddenly recall that you've opened a topic for that 'ages' ago. At least are you able to keep in touch?
Good luck with everything and don't worry too much about charts: nobody is demanding anything you.
Aww thank Jurjen, I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. We miss so much, don't we but as much as it hurts, we did it to be with our partner/spouse. We have to find a good time to get her internet, to get here something to learn on, and time to teach her. Maybe when I go back. Lol. Thanks for remembering. Yes, we keep in touch via telephone.
canadiancitizen said:
LY I didnt know your mommy was not doing well, all the best for you.. as per work, honey please move on, you have so much going for you, you are a clever girl, go get a job somewhere else.. please dont take me wrong, but to get provincial funding for training? I dont trust them, hope Im wrong...
Hugs... and lots and lots of love for your family
Actually the boss is the most knowledgable I have found here about laws/regulations for the province as well as immigration laws which I like. This is a legtimate thing, I checked it out so don't worry but thanks for looking into my best interest. Here is a link about the subsidy:
http://www.hrle.gov.nl.ca/hrle/findajob/nlworks.html Where I haven't worked in the province he can take more time to train me if he can get the province to help fund part of the wages. I get no less money but it is a program to help put me into the labour market again with more security on both sides. And I can get no less than 25 hours a week (I can get more than that too) which I like. Just takes a while for the province to finish it. Should be this week he gets the final word. He is keeping me up to date on everything.

Hugs back to you, thank you so much. Sending lots of love your way as well. :-*
twchu said:
Hey Love,
Sorry to hear that you are going thru tough times.. Dun be too sad, i am sure your mum will get well super soon!

On top of that, i just wanna say we really do appreciate your advice and help in the forum.
CIC should seriously pay you for all the info you provided and help you offered!
Warmest Regards
Aww oh my you guys are too kind, really. It has taken her a while to heal up but she is doing a lot better now. I think it took me more time to heal than her from not being there. Lol.

I really love helping here, lol, I would love if they could do that but thats being too hopeful. Thank you for the kind words.
P.S. Thanks everyone, you all really warm the heart. :-*