Thanks everyone for the lovely messages! :-*
Well it has been one busy day today. And has had its good and bad parts. So on to the thing you have all been waiting on, my landing and my day. Bare with me though, this is long.
So here it goes:
Well this morning we woke up fairly early to make sure we had all the right documents. We put them in a folder and on we went to Walmart. We knew the immigration building was close to there and we needed to waste 2 1/2 hours away. So we got MIL a birthday card and some cute Canadian flag pins to wear together. We then went to the pet store nearby to enjoy the cute animals there and play with them. It really helped to distract us of the time. Before we knew it, we had only about 20 minutes to get there. We thought we would get there in no problem but then only a couple of roads away we realized we had only 3 minutes to get there in time. Boy did we book it running. Lol. It was a sight to see.
We finally get to the building and low and behold, my worst enemy...stairs. (kung fu panda 2 line..hehe). Man we were huffing and a puffing up the stairs lol. After a few left turns, we finally got to the area we needed. Got there at 11:05 AM. I then went up to the reception to say what I was there for. She asked my name and I could barely catch my breath to say it but I got it out of course. We then were told to sit. Such a tiny place really. Posters everywhere saying, call the CIC hotline, they call help you. Haha yeah right... We were there waiting a good 5 more minutes before the IO showed up to the reception window and ask that we enter a interview room. And we did.
We entered a small room with a table to divide the seats from the IO's. It really reminded me of the set up in the airport when I first crossed and was interviewed. She then entered the room and was very nice. She had papers in her hands and I noticed them right away, my FOSS notes. She asked to see our ids and compared us to them. She seemed to have a problem that my driver's license said I was 157cm and my PR app said 155cm but then made a joke that I supposedly had shrunk 2cm since then. Lol. She looked at my PR pictures and was concerned they were the right measurements but then measured them herself and said they should be okay. Hubby and I were worried we wouldn't get anything that day just because of some pictures. She brought in a form that lists my rights and obligations as a PR. Then she brought in the COPR form to overlook and make sure it was filled out right. Then asked if I had been convicted of any criminal charges, if I had been refused or denied entry to Canada, and if I had any dependents to claim. All were "No".
Then I had to initial and sign the form. She took it outside and walked back in shook my hand and said "Congratulations you are now a permanent resident of Canada" Felt a little teary eyed there. She then confirmed the payment and told hubby of his obligations. She asked how long we had been together and we talked about how big our application was. She asked how many pages and I said "428". Her eyes grew right big, lol, but she completely understood and agreed on not taking any chances and laughed. She talked about how I might get provincial coverage and SIN. I asked her about my goods to follow and said that when I go home I will just declare then with that form filled out. She expressed about PR card renewal and things about citizenship. And handed back the documents such as receipt copy and my COPR. She said to guard the COPR with my life. Lol. She asked if I had anymore questions and I said no. We then said goodbye and were on our way. We were out of there by 11:49 AM. Definitely the easiest part of the process by far. By the way, I recommend you bring a folder or large envelope to put your COPR in after you receive it. It is a very thin form and you don't want it to get lost or damaged. I was very glad I brought my folder with me.
We then caught the bus to Service Canada where I was in for a big let down. They would not issue me a SIN because I didn't have a visa counterfoil in my passport (duh, I applied inland) and said I can't be given one until I get a PR card. Well that is just great. Thanks Canada Post. Thing is I just got my work permit yesterday but did not have a way out yesterday to even get a SIN. So I am officially out of work for another 2 months at the least unless Immigration figures out a way to send them another way. I had a really big breakdown but luckily hubby was there to let me cry it out. We just figure this will be one good last summer to relax and for me to improve my health. Also, I am going to take up volunteering so I can at least build some work experience and good references while I wait. So for all those who get approved for a work permit and SIN at the same time, even if you have your landing interview the day after you get your work permit, please go get a temporary SIN first before landing if you don't already have one. You'll thank me later.
So off we left from there to walk another hour and a half to the provincial health care building. It was a long humid walk today. We got there and I filed out the application. They took a copy of my COPR and passport and then asked me to sit down. Not even one minute later my name was called and I was given my card.

Very quick. MCP has the right idea. Accept COPR and give cards right away. Service Canada just hasn't figured that out yet. So now I have a shiny new health care card. I plan to see a doctor sometime soon as I have been needing to for a while so at least I can do that now. I was hoping to get reimbursed for the money spent before because someone else I know was able to but the guy that I asked said they cannot do that. I still don't quite believe it. Oh well.
We later went out to eat to celebrate and went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 as well. Been a very busy day. I am both happy and sad at the same time. I am extremely happy that that part is over with but upset that I still have to wait on them to send me a card just so I can work. Anyway, thank you all again for all the support. Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to let you all know what I was up to all day today. Now to get plenty of rest. Hehe.. ;D
P.S. Congratulations to lovely20! I am very happy for you. You go girl! And also to Lena. I hope you had a wonderful day landing today too.