Congrats zzbf327! Can you share your complete timeline with us?zzbf327 said:Congratulations LY!
I got a letter that my landing interview is arranged on Jun.1st 2011 in Scarborough.
Congrats zzbf327! Can you share your complete timeline with us?zzbf327 said:Congratulations LY!
I got a letter that my landing interview is arranged on Jun.1st 2011 in Scarborough.
That's a myth!Love_Young said:Yeah but I have seen where getting the MP involved just tends to make the IO angry and try to refuse things. (Maybe I am mistaken?) Anyway, I am afraid of that happening. Plus I hear our MP isn't very helpful with this manner so I don't know what to do. I think that by next week though if I still have no news I will contact them.
Yes: It is a different mail address from where you sent your first applications.TeresaLynn said:Good morning all! We received my spouse's police clearance from the UK today, we are going to express post it to Vegreville this afternoon![]()
I heard that there is a different address for correspondence is this true? if so can someone give me the address.
It a gorgeous day out and it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend! Happy Victoria Day everyone, and congrats again LY, I just realized your not on my facebook, i think I may of deleted you by accident when i cleaned up my friends list. I will re-add you.![]()
Thank you so very much santacruzan.santacruzan said:wowwwwwwwwwwww so happy for u at last u made it cheers to life love young ...
just stay positive. A BIG congrats......God Bless u...
Aww many people have saying that and it just makes me feel so very loved and special. You are a sweetheart. Thank you for the "congrats".Iceyqueen said:Oh what a happy night. I have been logging on just to see if you got AIP Love_Young and I nearly burst into tears reading your post that you got it. I'm so happy for you and now you can rest a little easier. I may just have a drink for you hehe. Congratulations hon, you deserve to finally have some good news.
Hehe too kind. Thank you very very much sarahLDC. Not too much longer until your turn.sarahLDC said:OH MY...THE BEST NEWS POSTED IN THIS FORUM. CONGRATULATION LOVE YOUNG...WE ALL HAPPY FOR YOU.
Well we aren't going to get a car right now. We are going to be saving up at least a few thousand dollars to put down on it. We are pretty wise with money. I am not that crazy over loans either but I know at some point in our lives we will need a loan for something unless of course we save for forever or are rich. Lol. I don't know about the car for now as it is something we can keep planning on. And really we do just need a simple car that is reliable but we need a car nether the less because we have been bumming rides for 2 years now. I miss my driving anyway. Lol. But your idea is amazing and helpful. Haha about my age, trust me, I do feel too young most days for this. And very true, we do know more together than alone. You're very wise.Jurjen said:I'm not familiar with this, but the only way to find out is go out there and ask. ;-)
Just don't get a too big loan and settle for a simple car (if you really think you need one in the first place). Especially since you're not working YET, they might be a bit afraid and want to give you a smaller loan and/or higher interest rate.
Personally I don't like loans, they freak me out. I'd rather save money and buy it directly (car dealers also tend to give a discount when they don't have to expect their money in terms). Every day I ride my bike to work and back (6km), even through the rain, simply because I don't feel the need to own a car and be stuck in traffic every day, sponsor Shell&co. with their high prices, sponsor horrible insurance companies, etc. I admit: in the winter I took the bus, but I shared the month subscriptions (75$) with my wife and did some carpooling with colleagues. Saves a lot of money that we'll for a month trip to BC this summer.
Just some for your consideration. ;-)
By the way, it's the first time to read your age. Wow, that's brave at 21! I'm not so far away (24) and I even consider myself very young doing this.
No problem for the responses. Together we know more then just alone!
Thank you so much boasorte! Wow someone close to my age as well. That is always so neat to see on here. I am glad we both got through with no problems. My hubby is 21 though too. He is only almost 5 months older than me. would indeed be amazing if I could land soon. It would be so relieving.boasorte said:Congratulations LY! I knew you wouldn't have any problem getting approved.
I am 20, my partner is older than me and we got approved without any interview, I see no reason why they wouldn't approve your application, your case is definitely a straight-forward one. I bet you will land within the next weeks.![]()
Thank you for the congratulations! I can say the same for you haha CONGRATULATIONS! That is wonderful.zzbf327 said:Congratulations LY!
I got a letter that my landing interview is arranged on Jun.1st 2011 in Scarborough.
Thanks for clearing that up komar and for the congratulations.komar said:That's a myth!
Congratulations on your AIP!!!
Good morning girl! Hehe. That is wonderful that you finally received the clearance. Hopefully it won't be too much longer and your hubby can land soon. The day here is a bit cloudy but still gorgeous. I appreciate any sunshine I get here. Lol. Thank you again for the congrats.TeresaLynn said:Good morning all! We received my spouse's police clearance from the UK today, we are going to express post it to Vegreville this afternoon![]()
I heard that there is a different address for correspondence is this true? if so can someone give me the address.
It a gorgeous day out and it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend! Happy Victoria Day everyone, and congrats again LY, I just realized your not on my facebook, i think I may of deleted you by accident when i cleaned up my friends list. I will re-add you.![]()
Thank you angtao that is so sweet of you to say. I hope whatever you also decide to do that I wish you the best luck as well. And you're welcome. I am hoping more people will join in with time. I will drop by every now and again in there if you don't mind. And well I was just thinking about waiting on e-Cas just because I hear it takes 2 days after approval to update e-Cas of the status. I got approved on Wednesday so that means that if I am lucky then it will change today. And no it hasn't been updated since it was activated in March.angtao said:LY, whatever you decide to do I want to wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for bringing up the 2011 thread. Sometimes I am the only one on there bringing it up and talking to myself. LOL
I am dying to know if you got AIP and PR together. Are you going to call CIC and find out or just wait until e-cas gets updated? BTW, has your ecas been updated yet? How long does it take from the day you get AIP to show up on ecas?
YEEHAW..Love Is In The Air everywhere I look aroundLove_Young said:OH.....MY.....GOSH
I just want to thank you all so so so so so so much for never letting me give up and always being there. Even when it meant listening to my whininess and grumpiness. I can never thank you all enough. I cannot wait for everyone else to get news. I am just a wave of emotions right now and to be honest I don't think it has sunk in yet. Hubby and I will be celebrating tonight for sure.Now lets just hope Canada Post isn't on strike for too long. Lol. Once again thank you so much. I love ya guys so much and can't wait for that chart to be completely filled in with approvals. Woohoo!
P.S. They sent a letter to me and OWP in the mail yesterday! And yes, I am already getting a billion "I told ya so's" from hubby. Lol.![]()
LY -Love_Young said:WELL I GOT MY E-CAS UPDATE!!!
We received your application for permanent residence on July 16, 2010.
We started processing your application on September 22, 2010.
We received the requested information on January 13, 2011. Thank you for providing the information.
A decision has been made and you will be contacted.
I sent you a Private message to answer you about this matterCrazyLucy said:I still have yet to be able to log into my E-cas. Maybe it's because I'm filing for Quebec as well?
It's still unsure if there will be a strike. i googled this news and there are controversial opinions. i guess we will not know before the 25 th of mayLove_Young said:Yeah I hate that I had to got through a long delay to get AIP and now another long delay due to Canada Post.
Are they still going to be running the mail though or is it going to be a complete stop? I hope my OWP don't take too long to get here.