It cost us a fortune to deliver a baby without an OHIP, we spent around $9000 for the entire process because of PROM which occurred during 32.4 weeks of my pregnancy, Brampton Civic hospital charged us 2000$/day just for the stay at the hospital excluding physicians and lab charges. We paid $2,600 to the OB and made several other petty payments for the ultrasounds and blood works. Though we were lucky to find the Headwater hospital at Orangeville which is about 40 mins drive from Brampton where we lived, as their charges were 1500$/day. Physicians/OB's charges were quite less, but headwater hospital was not equipped to keep the babies born less than 35 weeks of gestation. I was transferred from Orangeville hospital to Brampton Civic. We entangled into a real dilemma, not only in terms of financial distress but because my baby had to stay 10 days in the NICU as well. Gratefully baby got his OHIP from day one because of his dad.