Can i tell the embassy that i can support my self and some one else is going to support me at the same time means that can i show my finances and have a sponser as well
Yup u can have many sponsor as u want,, u have show ur financials as well as parents,, but don't say that u will work in Canada to support ur studies,,KhurramSaeed86 said:Can i tell the embassy that i can support my self and some one else is going to support me at the same time means that can i show my finances and have a sponser as well
1)100 rupee golden ticked notarized affidavit,, stating that he will support u during ur start in Canada,,KhurramSaeed86 said:what documents do I need from the sponser
If ur sponsor is other than ur urself or ur parents,, Such as uncle grand father etc,, u must add explanation letter ,,, and documentary evidence of ur relation,, Such as birth certificates,, matric certificates,, NIC,, All evidences must be in english and Urdu and must be notarized,,KhurramSaeed86 said:what documents do I need from the sponser
If the sponsor is Canadian citizen or permanent resident,, add proof of their immigration status in Canada( same rules applies to all sponsors who reside in country other than Pakistan) ,,KhurramSaeed86 said:If the sponsor is in canada and the other two are in usa what will be the procedures
bro the best sponsors are always parents, after that siblings, ur sister can support u not her husband, because he is not ur blood relative,KhurramSaeed86 said:Sharjeel bhai I heard from some one that if my sister or his husband sponsor me my case will be strong
Yes u can add them,,dawood42 said:can i add my brothers who live in USA and KSA along with my parents as my sponsors?
U have to show at least one year tuition fee plus one year living expenses plus return fares in your bank as liquid cash,, and u have to show that ur sponsor got enough monthly income that he will manage remaining required money..dawood42 said:Sharjeel bhai Thanks
One more Question
My father will be my sponsors and i will show his bank statements. there are sufficient funds in his accounts for sufficient amount of time however is it necessary to show source of funds ? I mean my father is retired from service. Money in his account is from what he saved when he was employed now he has retired..